2. Noah

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Today was a very important day. Today was the last hearing of a very crucial case I have been fighting. It was very important because it was a murder case and my client was being framed for committing the murder while the actual murderer was acting all innocent just because he was a powerful business tycoon and my client was his driver.

It is so unfair how the rich get away with everything, leaving the poor in dust. So far, the case has been on our side since there is a little tool called manipulation, and I just happen to be very good at it.

The person who committed the murder is Mr. Jones. The most powerful business tycoon of New York. And Mr. Jones thinks he can commit a crime and just frame someone else and get away with it. Well, he is most certainly mistaken.

The past few days during our hearings, I have been using my skills in manipulation, and I have gotten Mr. Jones to give me some very important information right in front of the judge that proves thar my client and his driver Mr. Davis is completely innocent, and Mr. Jones committed the crime.

Today, in the final hearing, I was going to use all the information Mr. Jones provided me with against him.

Right now, I was standing in front of the court talking to Mr. Davis and explaining everything to him.

He was quite nervous because he thought no one would believe him but I reassured that everything would be okay I would surely put Mr. Jones behind bars. Hearing that, he did become a little calm, but he was still a bit anxious.

We were finally allowed to go inside the court. We went in and settled down. Soon, the jury of both sides also settled down, and so did the press. And soon the judge also came and took his seat.

The hearing began, and it went on for about three hours, and the case was on our side, which made Mr. Davis more calm. After about another hour with Mr. Jones, in the witness box, I finally proved that he was the one who committed the murder and not Mr. Davis.  And for that Mr. Jones was sentenced to a lifetime in prison for murder and for framing someone else for it.

After the final verdict was announced and Mr. Jones was sent to jail. I congratulated Mr. Davis and went out with my best friend to celebrate.

We went to a nearby restaurant for dinner and there we saw a group of girls they looked like they were in their early twenties but they were in ballet dresses.

"Hey, ash, who are those girls over there?" I asked my best friend asher pointing over at their table,

"oh they are the ALDC dancers and she over there is 'The Butterfly' " he said pointing at a girl with blonde hair and green eyes,

" the who now?" I asked genuinely, confused at the nickname.

" 'The Butterfly' how do you not know who she is. She is literally one of the most talented and elegant dancer, she literally dances like an elegant butterfly, hence the name"  he explained to me.

"Okay, but what is her actual name?" I asked in curiosity, "Lilliana Williams.

You know you should really get your head out of work sometimes, " he said, in which I nodded in agreement.

After our dinner, we both started heading to our shared apartment.

Once we reached, asher sat down on the couch and complained how 'terrible' our law firm was even though we worked at the top law firm in New York.

So ungrateful, honestly, but I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying  rather my mind was stuck on the girl from earlier.

"Okay, ash, how about you shower and go to bed instead of back biting our firm?" I suggested trying desperately to shut him up,

"you know what yeah you're right" he says, grabbing his bag and heading to his room. I do the same and go to my room to take a quick shower.

After my shower, I sat on my desk and opened my laptop to check some emails when the girl from earlier crossed my mind again, so I went on Google and did some research on her, turns out she is quite a famous ballerina.

I went on Instagram and searched her id for research purposes, but I ended up stalking her and found information I shouldn't have found out, and let's say that Ms Lilliana Williams has a new stalker With that, I closed my laptop and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up it was a Saturday so we didn't have work.

I quickly got ready and went to the flower shop and bought a bouquet of red roses.

When I got home, asher was still asleep, which gave me the opportunity to quickly grab a piece of paper and write down a note.

I put the note in the bouquet of roses and delivered it to her doorstep and went home before asher woke up and asked unnecessary questions. Yes, I found her address last night.


Good morning, Ms. Williams.

Your secret admirer N.S

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Love you, byee. Until next time ❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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