Chapter 11🍁

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It hurts to be a dumb.

Kainat never in her entire life thought that humans could be very wicked... That some humans can never be understanding, some humans are very judgmental, they never cares about what one has went through in life, what one is going through but all they cares about is themselves! All they know is that no one should disrespect them by not replying to their questions

Was that even a disrespect?

It was today that that man decided to disgrace her in front of everyone by simply insulting her whole generation, cursing every single creature that shares a drop of blood with her

Not that, what made her cry was that he mentioned her long deceased parents and also commanded her to leave his class and to not even stay close to the lectures' hall door

Hajar cried too


It was on an unfavorable day that the unsweetened event happened in the house of Alhaji Uthman, Hajar's father.

His shop burnt down with all the provisions, the products he sells, the wealth... And literally everything that a human needs to live a happy life.

Hajiya Maimunat cried, Alhaji Uthman cried

Hajar cried and Kainat cried

It was when they came back from school that a neighbor told them what happened and they rushed inside just to find their mother crying and their father already paralyzed on a chair

Hajar fainted and Kainat was just standing there eyes widened and her soul was just taken out of her body because she can't even lift a finger talk less of moving her leg or her body, she was dead alive

With the help of a neighbor who called for help, they were all taken to a hospital

"What happened to them!" A neighbor asked in the hospital

"I don't even know... I just heard a voice calling for help so I rushed and we called the ambulance and so I followed them here to at least know what's happening" another neighbor answered

"Me I kinda heard that his big shop burnt down with all their little provisions..."

"Me I heard that the girl he brought to his house..." Another neighbor starts but stopped to remember the name


"No, Kainat"

"Oh yes Kainat! That the Kainat is a witch..." She couldn't complete her sentence as the neighbor that shouted for help cut her off

"Haba dan Allah! Why are you people so heartless? We are in a hospital for God's sake and instead of you people to pray for the family to get better you are here doing what you can't live without doing. Is it gossiping that will bring back his lost provisions?" From the way she sounds you will know that they annoyed her

"Keh Talatu, ki iya bakin ki (Hey you talatu! Shut up your mouth)"  Said an illiterate neighbor who can't even speak a good English

"Get out my friend, Keep mute!" The Talatu spoke with her voice full of annoyance

"Lalalaa... Ni zaki ce wa na mutu! Ku ji wai ta ce ki mutu" Said the illiterate neighbor

"No she did not tell you to die, not ki mutu she said keep mute wato kiyi shiru kenan( which means you should keep quiet)" A neighbor said to the illiterate

"Oh ok..." She lowered her head in shame feeling too big to say sorry to Talatu but Talatu never mind her, she sat on the floor and continued praying for the family's safety

A doctor came out and Talatu hurriedly stood up and headed towards him followed by the rest of the neighbors

"Doctor... What happened to them?"

"Ohkay... A man who seems like there father..." Talatin cuts in

"Yeah! Exactly... He is their father "

"...He is paralyzed" said the doctor and talatu's eyes widened in fear

"How about their mother?" She asked

"She is diagnosed with a heart attack" said the doctor

"Innalillahi wa inna illaihi raji'un... How about the children?" Takatu asked the doctor

"The daughters are fine we thank God, they are just sleeping"

"Oh ok thank you doctor"

"No, don't mention. It's my job anyways" the doctor smiled


"Ya Khalil! So you are alive, Where have you been, Where's mommy and daddy, Where did you people go to, Didn't you miss me, Are you planing on how to leave me again? You left me alone" Kainat pouted as she bombarded her brother with the questions that has been disturbing her peace

Surprisingly she talked, or maybe because she is finally reunited with her family, maybe because her ya Khalil is back

She smiled and hugged her brother tightly as if she is scared that a tiger might swallow him

"Argh... How am I suppose to answer your questions now?" He rolled his eyes at how she's throwing thousands of questions

"Just as I asked you, do the same and reply" she smiled

"You know... Asking question is an easy task but replying to those questions is sometimes very difficult" he sadly smiled

"Why are you talking like this yaya?" Her eyes became watery

"Like what?" He smiled

" you are going to leave me again" and with that being said by her, ya Khalil starts disappearing into the air and before you could finish saying Jack Robbin he has vanished


"Yaya..." She completely opened her eyes and like a magic, she can't say anything again... She has turned to her original self

A dumb

"Ohhhh! Takatu see, she opened her eyes" she heard a voice saying and that was when she realized where she is

In a hospital

"The other one's awake too, let's inform the doctor" another voice said and she turned sideways just to find Hajar staring at the ceiling with a blank expression


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