Chapter 19🍁

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"Kainat!" Hajar called as she dropped the stuffs she was holding and reached out for Kainat's hand

Hajar cought Kainat's hand and dragged her out of the shop heading towards the direction of their house

"Kainat, where have you been? Did you know how worried I was? Come... Come let's go home and we'll talk things out. I'll talk to you through in Shaa Allah..." Hajar was cut off when she suddenly felt Kainat snatching her hand away and starts running to a strange direction that Hajar was not familiar with

"No! Kainat wait..." She couldn't complete her statement as Kainat took a Corner and disappeared

"Oh my God! Now where can I find her? She's so stubborn, why did she ran though?"

Hajar turned back, she went to the shop again

"Assalamualaikum" she muttered

"Wa'alaykumussalam" The man answered

"Uhm... I came to take my stuffs" she smiled

"Okay" he muttered. She took her stuffs then stood still and the man looked up at her, she smiled again

"Keh! I have a wife so just leave already" he muttered thinking she was there to say she likes him

"Woo-wooh! Man, calm down. I am not here for anything else wanting to ask you something" she said and the man looked at her from head to toe as if not believing what she just said

"What?" He asked

"Did you by any means know that lady that I just followed?" She asked hoping he would say yes

"Can't give you any information about my customer" he stubbornly stated and her smile dropped

"Please... I promise I know her I just want to know where she lives" she plead

"No" he muttered

"Hmm" she cleared her throat then sat on a chair to calm herself

"Brother, you don't seem to be understanding what I am saying, this is a family issue and I don't want to drag an outsider inside which is why I can't tell you everything... Now if you know her please..." She was completely lowering her gaze while talking but she could actually feel that he was listening to her

"Okay" he muttered then she smiled

"I don't know her actually, but she came here a lot so I think she lives somewhere around here because she sometimes come to buy breakfast and I don't think she's alone because she usually buys things in double..." Said the man and Hajar felt contented knowing that her sister is fine since she's eating and lives somewhere around then she'll surely find her in Shaa Allah

"Thank you, I'll be going and my regards to your wife please" she smiled

"I don't have a wife" he rolled his eyes

"Ohh, Mr. Shop keeper so you lied to me" she laughed

"To begin with, my name is not Mr. Shop keeper! I am Farouq and I never lied to you, I was just..."

"...just what Mr. Farouq?" She raised one brawn

"Never mind! Just leave my shop now " she smiled then turned around to leave when Farouq stopped her


"Hajar" she informed him her name so as to know what to address her and he smiled

"Hajar, i just want to ask for your number so that if she comes back, I'll quickly call and inform you" he knows he sounds stupid since she was not the one that asked him but... He felt like it'll be good to have her number

"Sure" she smiled


"I don't even know who the hell is knocking at the door like that" Hajiya Soffiat made her way to the door to open it for she had been calling Deenu to go and check it but the said boy is probably asleep

"Who's at the door?" She asked

"It's me... Abduljaleel"

"Ohh Abduljaleel, so it's you that want to break my door" she opened the door and welcomed him with a wide grin as he stepped inside

"Good evening Aunty" he greeted

"Evening son. Come seat... Or I think you just go to his room because he had been sleeping for the past twenty years now and I don't think I can wake him up because he is a heavy sleeper" she muttered dramatically and playfully hit her forehead with her palm

Abduljaleel smiled then headed to his friend's room

"Hey man, you here?" Said Deenu as a yawn escaped his mouth

"Assalamualaikum" Abduljaleel Salamed

"Oh sorry, wa'alaykumussalam" Deenu scratched the back of his head then smiled

"You know that girl..." Said Abduljaleel

"Which girl?" Asked Deenu

"The girl I told you about?" Said Abduljaleel

"Eh, which one among them?" Deenu asked

"Stupid! Have I ever talked to you about any girl beside her" he eyed Deenu then slightly hissed

"Ohh sorry, calm down man! Just wanting to pull your legs. So what about her?" Deenu asked, sounding serious

"She was a maid in my house but the day we first met... Her friend told me that the were new students, yeah of course I saw them offering classes but they should have at least tell me the truth that they are maids" Said Abduljaleel

"Hmm, that reminds me! I want to tell you something" said Deenu

"What?" Abduljaleel curiously asked

"I saw her at your place the day I visited you and I asked her..." Abduljaleel cuts in

"...did she replied you?" He asked and you could see that he is curious

"No... Wait nah! So, she resembled someone I knew but I just can't figure out who that person is. I also asked for her name but she didn't reply" Deenu informed his friend about what happened the day she bumped into him

"Told ya! She's too proud of herself despite being just a maid" Abduljaleel furiously stated

No, I don't think so... There must be something wrong with her. She can't be ignoring people just like that, she's not well" Deenu thought

"I'll teach her a good lesson since she works under me!" Abduljaleel evilly smiled


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