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Leonardo had finished making the changes to Jane's video, there weren't that many, in less than two hours and the job was done, while the video was loading, he was talking something to his mother, she seemed happy with something, she was very relaxed, loose hair, white sleeveless silk shirt, black dress pants, high heels and very light makeup, only a few features of her face were marked, she was still going to be fifty years old, but from her appearance everyone said that she was much younger, and carried a badge around her neck, with her name, Izabel, apparently she hadn't taken off her work clothes yet, but she was already resting completely, she ordered a pizza, but Leonardo only ate a piece and with great reluctance, he was determined to make it. as much as possible to lose weight, he had total focus, and even his mother had noticed, as she was already used to working in shopping malls and dealing with dozens of people throughout the day, she had a certain ease in noticing when someone she was okay with something, and when someone was downcast, or hid something from her, it was a gift that she developed to its limits. And she showed it all the time.

"Did something happen? I saw that you started exercising again, you even bought new clothes, you're wearing perfume, you cut your hair, any particular reason for all this change?"

"No reason, I'm just trying to get back in shape."

"There's something, are you hiding something from me? Any new friends?"

"Friend? No really, I'm going to run along the beach, together with Jonathan, remember him?"

"Jonathan? The one who came here almost every day?"

"Himself, I've been running with him and her wife, and some of her friends, no big deal."

"Any friends? this is a big deal! Now I know why all this change."

"That's not it, he's also changed a lot, he couldn't be far behind."

"And when we're going to schedule something with him, on my day off I think I'll go with you, I need to meet his daughter, all this time and he hasn't come back here, I need to give him a shout out."

"When you're off work you sleep all day, I wouldn't be able to run in those conditions, but I'll ask him if he can come here on your day off."

"Okay... you can talk to him, but... and about those friends of his wife, are there any more special ones? Who can come and have dinner with us?"

"None like that, I don't know why I ask that"

"It's just you and me here, your brother hardly comes here anymore, it would be nice to have some company from time to time, you too, it's time to get a new girlfriend."

Leonardo remained silent, there was some program on television, so to break the ice, he asked her if she wanted to watch a movie, and change the subject. They decided to watch a new series, sometimes they managed to watch a series little by little, and comment something about the characters, and this time, Leonardo didn't even make any guesses, he let his mother choose the series, he just wanted to change the subject, it wasn't time to talk about Marcelle, he didn't even know what to say about Marcelle, they were still just getting to know each other, he still didn't know what to talk to her about, besides the race, or on her cell phone, she had sent a message, letting him know that she had arrived right at home, and he didn't know what else to say, so he just responded with "okay" and a smiling emoticon.

The series was starting well, it was a Korean series, but there was a lot of action in it, Leonardo knew that these series were successful, since when he was young and attended a few anime events, he already met people who danced to Korean songs and watched this type of series , but this one was captivating him, and as soon as the couple showed themselves, he remembered Marcelle, and looked at his cell phone, to check if she had sent any messages, but tried to hide it, so that his mother wouldn't ask questions.

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