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Sharna walked into her brother's room when she noticed everything scattered here and there.

Taking a deep breath she walked in and gently grabbed the clothes scattered on the floor into her arms as she folded them and put them in his closet. Sensing someone's presence behind her, she teared her gaze away and looked at her brother who gave her a small smile which she returned.

"I would have done it myself.." He spoke in a neutral tone.

Did something happened. She wondered but has no answer to her question. She sighed and nodded her head, her mind disturbed by her sleeping beauty's chaos.

"You fine na bandariya??" Ekaksh asked little worried, his eyes observing his sister's lost expression.

Sharna locked her gaze to floor as she smiled softly before her head shook in denial.

"Fine Bhai.." Ekaksh knew something was disturbing but didn't forced her, if she wanted to tell him she would have done. He nodded and patted her head.

"If you ever want to share anything you can share it with me...i promise I won't judge." He assured in a comforting tone, Sharna smiled and hugged him.

Sharna stood in her room, her eyes finding her sleeping beauty but he was nowhere. Must have left to his home.

She sighed as she assured herself about his whereabouts. Her eyelids felt heavy, as her body fell on the bed with a tiring look at her face.

She stared at the ceiling before she drifted off to sleep. Her mind went completely blank only resting for a bit.

She opened her eyes to meet with those oceanic blue ones. Her heart felt at peace seeing him all good. Was she worried he might hurt himself like a year old kid. Well she surely was.

She smiled who just stare at her blankly. "Your flight is in 2 hours..." Her eyes widen in surprise, she didn't expected herself to sleep this long.

She thought she was taking a small nap.

She quickly stood up running here and there creating a environment of chaos in her usual peaceful world. Damian looked at her with a blank stare not knowing what exactly to feel.

He didn't wanted her to go but again he didn't had the courage to follow behind her to a place he disdain going. He sighed and left the place silently.

Will he ever be able to go to that place again. He doesn't liked the idea of going there let alone actually going there.

He sighed as his softened gaze now lingered on the moon, his pain was too much for him to bear now. He felt himself breaking apart, the man he had made himself to be was now falling apart.

That tough facade slipping away but he composed himself.

The pain he had buried deep down within his heart was now slowly coming out. The walls around his heart were weakening and who was the reason.

His bee.

As much as he loved her, he hated how she was affecting that little boy within him. Her calmness in his chaos started to pull the strings of his weakened heart begging him to open up but he wasn't ready. He never was.

He felt his vision getting all hazy as tears blocked his sight, not allowing him to see any further. He sat there contemplating whether the choices he had made taking his bee was right or wrong.

He felt himself trapped in a dilemma, where his heart was choosing a path but mind was in denial, begging him to be practical not emotional.

He didn't knew whether he was right or not but he knew one thing, he couldn't let his bee break those walls he had built in all these years, surrounding his heart protecting him. H

is fingers gently reached to wiped those tears away from his eyes. As he continued his moon gazing session, his heart heavy with unwavering guilt as he remembered his grave mistakes.

His mind seemed to be stuck on those mistakes, his brain forced him to act on.

The grief of his past actions weigh high on him as he felt himself suffocating under it, his breathing turned slower as he felt himself slowly losing it, losing himself in the depths of these thoughts turning him into nothing else but a heartless monster.

A darkness she grabbed him out of, he again felt himself getting trapped in it.

So how was today's chapter and I can't believe I am updating on regular basis maybe on a gap of one day maximum?...
So how was today's chapter? Give your opinions.
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Also sorry for short chapters.

With regards
Author Kaya

[Not edited]

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