// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕪-𝕠𝕟𝕖 //

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hiraeth - part eighty-one


       "YOU IDIOT!" A voice boomed throughout the entirety of Bulma's home, followed by the echo of a slap. Goku cried out in alarm as he stumbled forward, rubbing the back of his pained head, tears brimming in his eyes as he pouted. Bulma scoffed as she crossed her arms, glaring at Goku. "I can't believe you thought that was a good idea. You know some of us like to live peaceful lives, right? We don't need you starting shit all the time!"

"To be fair, Goku's actions caused Lord Zeno to spare you all for the time being. He could have simply erased all of you, if not for Goku!" Whis chuckled, making Bulma direct her glare onto him.

"That doesn't make me feel any better," She huffed, making Whis giggle. She sighed, running her fingers through her ruffled turquoise hair. "I can't believe you idiots were going to just hide this from me. Especially you, Vegeta!"

Bulma turned her anger onto her husband, who silently stood at her side, the small baby in his arms giggling as she crawled all over him. Vegeta's face immediately deadpanned as Bulma started fussing at him, the baby completely unfazed by Bulma's rage.

"Please, everyone, we need to focus!" Shin's voice piped up over all of the noise, catching their attention. Bulma grumbled in annoyance, taking Bulla from Vegeta's arms as she sat down at the table, the night sky providing some cool air in the warm spring night. The others soon followed, sitting around the table as they began to discuss their plans.

"I spent all day looking around," Goku whined, sprawling his arms and chest across the table as he laid his face against its cool surface. "I asked Majin Buu if he wanted to, but he fell asleep half way through the conversation! I thought about asking Krillin too, but I wanted to see what you guys thought. He kinda hasn't trained or fought in a really long time..."

"I don't think it's a good idea," Gohan spoke up, making Goku turn his gaze onto him, not bothering to peel his face off the table. "Krillin is a family man. I don't think he'd want to leave Marron. But you know, 18 would probably make a good fighter, seeing as how she's an android. We could even ask about 17!"

"Is that allowed? I'm not sure robots are permitted to enter," Shin spoke, lost in thought. Goku sat up, shrugging his shoulders as he smiled.

"Nah, 17 and 18 are humans, they're just extra strong. I'll definitely ask 18 about it. So that makes five people including myself..." Goku drifted off, trying to think of another person. There weren't very many people on Goku or Vegeta's level of strength, or even Gohan's. Looking back on it now, Goku was definitely regretting not training Goten as much as he should have.

"What about your sons? Goten and Trunks could make fine warriors," Shin said with a smile. Vegeta simply scoffed at the notion, while Goku shook his head, leaning into the palm of his hand.

"No, they're not very experienced. They'd probably get too full of themselves, especially if they fused," Goku said, his finger tapping his cheek as he tried to think, tilting his chair on its hind legs.

"It's not like you have any room to talk about humility, Goku," Whis teased, making Goku frown in frustration. Before he could retaliate, however, Gohan's hand slammed on the table, catching their attention as he smiled brightly.

"Oh, I know! We could ask Piccolo! And I bet Master Roshi would be great too!" Gohan exclaimed, Goku visibly perking up at his words.

"Yeah! And if we get some senzu beans, we'll win no problem!" Goku said, nearly giggling like a small child at the idea. However, just as he began to get excited, Whis threw a wet towel on the idea with a sigh.

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