The Jealous One~ (ZIPWARD) (yes again) Requested by: Idk2594

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Zip and Edward haven't always been the most calm couple. 

As a matter of a fact, they were one, if not, the most most chaotic couple. The fought all the time, most of the time playfully, othertimes... Oof... I'll just say that much. But it changed after one specific event.

                                                                        That one specific event

One day, while Zip and Edward where play-fighting, it eventually got to the point of them ACTUALLY fighting. And that was on accident- anyways.

They were fighting to the point of them breaking up. And let's just say. Oof brotha. So, they split their separate ways. As any couple after a break-up. But they eventually started found interest in other people. But Edward. Let's say. He still fucking loves Zip.

Even though he's found interest in another person. He always still loved Zip. But. Zip didn't love him back. One. Single. Bit. (Oof bud) so. Eventually Zip and (whoever) are dating. Edward starts dating (whoever).

And let's just say. Edward is the JELLY-JELLY kind of jealous people.

And he fucking HATED. (Whoever). Now he's not a fucking yandre. But. He would send death threats. So that's what he did. Send death threats to (whoever). While Zip didn't know this. But Edward was fucking STALKING HER. ALL OF HER SOCIAL MEDIA, BROTHA GOT INFO FROM ALL OF IT. And Edward was fucking simping over her just like how Oliver simps over alice. 

And Edward was SO FUCKING JELLY this man actually almost fucking killed (whoever zip was dating) and Zip. Found. The. FUCK. Out. Of. This. (Womp womp Edward) and Edward got a month of detention. And Zip. Was. Fucking. Scared. As. SHIT. Of Edward. But also... kinda flustered by this... (... Zip...... WTF-) and she broke up with (whoever) and was confused on who she liked. Meanwhile. Edward's gf (whoever) broke up with him. Edward didn't fucking care. All he wanted was, Zip. And nothing could stop him now. Not (whoever) or (whoever) could stop him from getting his beloved Zip.

And a month later, he did just that. He had Zip back. HIS Zip. That he rightfully (not) deserves.

And Zip knew. NEVER. To fuck with Edward if he wants something (just herself).

-360 words.


Sorry for not uploading anything for a while. I have been sick and just have not had motivation to do this. So your welcome for the upload! And btw. Tell me who you think Zip's bf's name would be (besides edward) and Edward's gf's name would be (besides Zip)

Zip's Bf name: (Comment here)

Edward's gf name: (Comment here)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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