From never caring, to always. (ZIPWARD) Requested by:Fate-My-Beloved

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Edward and Zip weren't exactly the type of friends who actually cared about what happend to eachother, infact they were the complete opposite, until one day.

One day, while Zip was walking to her locker, but when she opened her locker, she found a note, addressed to her, and her ONLY. Zip opened the note, and when she did, she read: cDear Zip, I know this is sudden but come to ########## after school. And I wanna talk about something." Zip was confused, but knew she would because she had nothing better to do, so she put the note in her backpack for later. But then Zip realized that it was almost time for homeroom, so she grabbed her stuff and ran to her home room.

**After home room and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hour, now its lunch bc im lazy**

Zip  walked over to *"the bully's table"* and she saw that Edward and Oliver were over there, so she asked them if they had wrote a note to her in her locker in, and they both said no, but Edward sounded a little worried about something and Zip asked "You good?" And Edward said "Yeah." Wait. Why was Zip worried about Edward? She absolutely hated about caring for Edward, so why is she caring about it now? Was she starting to really like Edward? No, plus Edward wouldn't love her back. (Little did Zip know >:) ) Zip wondered was was this feeling? True love? Zip knew it was over-thinking this and didn't even notice the fact that Oliver was questioning Zip on what was wrong because she seemed to be very panicked "Yo, you good Zip? You look like your very panicked." Oliver asked "Huh- Oh, yeah just over-thinking." Zip said, coming back to the real world. "okay, if you say so Zip" Oliver said. 

*After Lunch, Rec, 5th, and 6th hour bc im still lazy*

Zip was thinking about the note the entire time, and how I could have been Edward that wrote it, but she thought that Edward was probably just doing something else while Zip was just walking to meet someone. Little did Zip know that the entire time, someone was following behind her, because they weren't there before Zip, and that someone, was Edward. Now he didn't expect her to go right after school, she expected her to go home and drop everything else off then go to the spot, but she went straight there. So he had to follow her. Without her. knowing, and hopefully not get caught.

                                                                       **ZIP POV**

I was walking over to the place and I felt like someone was following me, but I didn't care, I just kept walking to the spot and when I got there, Edward came shortly after, turns out he was the one who was following me. Amd I questioned him if he was the one who wrote the note and he said yes.

                                                                  **EDWARD POV**

I was following behind Zip until she stopped to the spot that I put on the note, then she turned around and I just got there and Zip questioned if I was the one who put the note in her locker and I admitted that it was me who put it there.

                                                                 **NO-ONES POV**

Edward had just admitted to putting the note in Zips locker and instantly, Zip questioned why Edward had put the note in her locker, and Edward just replyed with a simple "I just needed to talk to you about something." And Zip asked what was it about, Edward just sighed and said "I-I think I like you-" they were both silent for about a minute until Zip said "I think I do too...." and immediately Edward said "So, uh does this make us a thing?" Zip answered with "Yeah."


the next day, when Zip and Edward go to school, they admitted to Oliver that they were dating, and Oliver responed with "wait- WHAT-" Zip replied with "You heard us." 

As the days went on, Zip and Edward became much more closer, and less awkward between the two, as the two did start kissing. They never did (the thing) until much later on though.

-696 words :3

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