everyone is S.P.E.C.I.A.L

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Inside ozpin's office we see four of the members of the inner circle discussing about who Xander is, by the info provided by Qrow they deduced that Xander could be a powerfull ally, so the Next morning they decided to see him once again at his mansion but when they where on their way towards the Mansion, on the bullhead James desided to ask one final question

James:"hey Qrow do you know what that device on his wrist is?"

Qrow:"he called it a pip-boy he told me it was like a miniature computer that can create a map of the land, a compass,a way to maintain inventory,checks his health and can check what the S.P.E.C.I.A.L of a person is"

Ozpin:"special? Is that an acronym for something?"

Qrow:"yeah each letter represents a different aspect but I don't know the full words of the acronym so we'll have to ask him"

James:"does it run in dust?"

Qrow:"no from what he told me it uses another type of energy that might be stronger than dust"

Glynda:"but how? dust is a powerfull source of energy."

Qrow:"again we would need to wait to get to the mansion and ask him"

After that discussion the silence creeped in and they just got silent for the rest of the ride.

After a while the four adults got there and got of the bullhead who just landed in the grass. When the inner circle got to the door of the mansion Qrow was the one that knocked the door but when in opened they saw something that suprised them

???:"ah! Good evening Mr's! And Miss how many I help you today?"

Codsworth:"oh! Mister Qrow, sir told me you might come to visit!"

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Codsworth:"oh! Mister Qrow, sir told me you might come to visit!"

Qrow:"you where that robot Xander was building...but how did he do it that fast?"

Codsworth:"now is not the time to ask that for now how about you come inside while I go reach for master Xander"

After that codsworth flew upstairs to reach for Xander while the rest where making themselves comfortable after some minutes Xander was walking down stairs with codsworth by his side

Xander:"Qrow! Ozpin! And other people that didnt tell me their name!"

James:"right we forgot to introduce ourselves properly. My name is James ironwood and she is Glynda goodwitch we are pleased to know you"

Xander:(get to the bottom and rest his back on a table) "wait 'witch'? Does that mean that she can do spells?"

Glynda:"no but I guess it does relate with my semblance"

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