~Author's Note~

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Hello all, my name is Truth, and I have a story to tell.

I kind of gotten into Steven Universe recently, so don't crucify me if I get the little details wrong or some things don't add up.

I'm also fairly new to this whole writing thing, so I apologize for anything, well, bad.

If you read the description, you can see I'm trying something new. Ambitious, more then anything. I know the series and it's ending is rather controversial, who knows, my written ending might be more. That's what's exciting about it however!

I can't wait, I've spent some time thinking about this and how I would do it, how this would change the plot, for the worse or better. That's the beauty of fanfiction, I can write whatever I want!

Well, I want it to be good of course...

This is inspired by RSPBLiterature with "Being Human" and "The Black Gem" I really like those stories, so if you ever come across here, give those a look!

Anyways, I got stuff planned, some big and some small. Don't expect this to be the same Steven Universe series, some things will change.

Votes, comments, or even fanart will always be much appreciated, if anyone does so. If you read this whole thing so far, I appreciate you :)

Anyways, you have a tale to read...

This drawing by me isn't related I just thought it was cool :)

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This drawing by me isn't related I just thought it was cool :)

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