003. ─── bright

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bright !

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

KAT BOUNDED DOWN THE STONE STEPS TOWARDS THE STUDIO SINCE RAY PROMISED HE WOULD TAKE JULIE, FLYNN AND KAT TO SCHOOL. However, what she didn't expect to see were the guys leaning against the closed door. She wasn't completely sure what they were doing, but she had a feeling they were listening to whatever was going on inside.

"What are you guys doing out here?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"Uh. . ." Luke stammered. "What makes you think we're doing anything at all?"

Kat scoffed. "I'm not stupid." She pointed towards the studio. "Is Julie in there?"

Alex nodded. "And her friend."

"Oh, that's great! Okay. Thanks," she sent them a smile before walking inside the studio.

"I just played the piano and sang again," she heard Julie say to Flynn.

Kat clasped a hand to her mouth and let out a shriek in shock. "What?!"

"What?" Flynn exclaimed at the same time. "Why didn't you say so?"

"I was trying, and then your seven sodas kicked in," Julie countered.

"Seven sodas?" Kat repeated.

"Yeah," Flynn nodded. "I was really stressed."

Kat chuckled softly. "But you had every right to be." She walked closer to the piano and stopped beside Flynn. "Look at you, Jules. You seem more. . . alive."

"Right! It's like I drank seven sodas," Julie stated.

"What made you play again?" Flynn inquired.

Julie pushed the sheet music on top of the piano closer to the two of them. "I found this song my mom wrote me."

Kat glanced over Flynn's shoulder as they both read the lyrics. The song had beautiful lyrics and a matching melody to go with it.

"Woah," Flynn voiced.

"I know," Julie muttered. "I was so afraid to play it. Anything involving music reminds me of her. And then I woke up this morning realizing that's why I should play it. To keep her memory alive."

"She's so proud of you, Jules. I just know it," Kat sent Julie an assuring smile.

Julie stood up from the bench and the three best friends wrapped each other in a tight hug before Flynn suddenly gasped and pulled away.

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