Chapter 10

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After everything that has happened back at the house of the Uley pack - as I call them now - I have become a lot closer to all of them. Especially Paul. We have exchanged numbers and started talking to each other about ourselves and random things, making me think that something good could come out of this. Of course, Bella has told me that he is a player, but even though he looked like one, he didn't act like one. Just cocky, smart, and sexy. Really sexy.

I was currently in my room, finishing my homework when I heard a crash downstairs. I got out of my bed and walked out of the room. I looked around but found nothing when I heard another crash coming from downstairs. "What the hell?"

I know that Bella is with Jake and that Dad is at work, so who the hell is in my house? I got downstairs and looked around to see any sign of an intruder but found none. Now that I was convinced that it was just my imagination playing with me, I turned around to go back upstairs, when I heard it. A loud hiss from behind me. I froze in my spot as fear overtook my body and my blood turned cold.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" A female voice asked as she walked towards me. Her voice could have passed me for a helpless girl but was instead luring me to my death. "I think I asked you a question!"

I felt her grab me by the back of my head before being thrown to the over side, hitting the wall, and banging my head on the few pictures that hung there, making them drop and shattering the glass. The impact of the throw made me dizzy and disoriented, but as I hit the floor and my head my impact with the floor and glass, everything started fading out. The last thing I saw was red hair and fiery red eyes looking at me before darkness overtook me.


"You'll be alright, Sephy," I heard a voice say. "Someone help me, please!"

"Sephy, please wake up," another voice said. "Please don't die. Please. I can't do this without you."

"Where is she?!" Another voice yelled. "What have you done?! Sephy! Sephy, please wake up. Please don't leave me."

"Paul, you should go."

"Look who is talking," the male voice said. "It's all your fault that Sephy is in a hospital and that Victoria is now after her. You should be proud of yourself, Leech-lover."

"That's enough Paul," another male alpha voice said. "We need to go."

"I promise I'll come back for you, Elena," 'Paul' said. "I promise."


Darkness was all that I saw, until I opened my eyes and instantly got blinded by the light. My eyes adjusted to the brightness of light before looking around and taking in a mental note of everything in the room, and by the looks of it, I was in a hospital room. It was a simple cream-white room, with a window to the left and a door in the right corner. There wasn't much to it except the fact that there were about twenty vases of all types of flowers. Well, someone has surely outdone themselves.

My eyes kept wandering around the room, until they fell upon a figure that was sleeping in a chair next to the bed. I took a good long look at him, taking in all his features. He had to be at least six feet tall and muscular, black hair and facial features of a Native American. The shirt that he was wearing stuck to his skin, making his muscles noticeable, but it was also the tattoo on his right shoulder that defined him. He had that look of a bad boy with a huge temper problem, who would also screw around every girl he laid his eyes on. Until he opened his eyes and looked at me with his mesmerising brown eyes, and then he smiled. I felt my heart rate increase instantly.

"Sephy, you're awake," the guy said as he got up from the chair and went to stand next to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Um, I... I don't know," I replied with a hoarse voice. "Water."

He nodded before handing me a cup of water that was already poured. I took a long sip, savouring the taste. I handed him the cup again before laying my head down on the pillow and looking at him. "How long was I out for?"

"Three days," the guy answered, looking softly into my eyes. "You needed to have emergency surgery because there was glass in your head, and after the surgery you passed out."

The guy sighed before raking his hand through his hair. "You gave us all a big scare, Sephy. Don't ever do that to us again. Got it?"

I nodded confused. "Who's "us"?"

"Your Dad, me and my friends, and....your sister," he replied confused. "You don't remember?"

"No," I answered feeling panic sweep over me.

"What do you remember?" He asked sounding more worried.

"Nothing," I answered as my eyes got watery. "I don't remember anything. Please tell, who am I?"


Paul POV

I stared at Sephy while she slept. She looked so innocent, so peaceful while she slept. But the damage has been done. She didn't deserve to be attacked, but of course the red leech had to come after my imprint. I sighed heavily as Sephy shifted in her sleep. After she revealed that she couldn't remember anything, my heart broke into pieces. The doctor has told me that because she took a hard blow to the head after she made impact with the wall, the glass, and the floor, she lost too much blood, and the concussion she got only made her forget things. He said that her memories will return to her in her own time, but right now she needed to rest and be on bed rest.

I sighed before getting up and walking out of the room, leaving the door ajar to hear if Sephy gets up and starts to get scared. I sighed when I saw Sam, Jared, Embry, and Emily waiting outside, making them all stand up when they saw me.

"How is she?" Emily asked as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Asleep, for now," I replied, taking a seat near the room. "The doctor said that she'll get better with time, but it's all up to her if she wants to remember or not."

"Paul, I promise you that we will protect her no matter what," Sam said, sounding really sincere even as the alpha. "She won't get harmed anymore. That I promise you."

"But how? How the hell can we protect her if she still lives with her Dad and bloodsucker lover?" I growled out annoyed.

"I actually talked to her Dad," Emily said. "I convinced him that I am a good friend of hers who has worked with people who lost their memories. He bought it instantly, so now she will live with me."

I sighed with relief. "Thank you, Emily."

She smiled before looking at Sam with love in her eyes. I hope that one day I'll share that with Sephy. But everything was cut short when Jake burst into the hallway, looking like he was about to shift out of anger.

"Jake what's going on?" Sam asked as we all stood up.

"The shrimp Cullen came back," Jake said annoyed.

"And?" Jared asked.

"Bella left for Italy to get her leech back," Jake replied, even angrier and hurt than before.

"Well, that is not a surprise," I muttered under my breath in annoyance before turning to look at my sleeping beauty.

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