「 Chapter Nine」

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“We’re here,” Pedro smiled, and parked the car

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“We’re here,” Pedro smiled, and parked the car. Emerson smiled nervously.

“So Bella is right there?” Pedro nodded, and got out of the car.

“Take your time, em” he smiles. “I'll get your stuff” Emerson shot him a grateful smile. She got her backpack out. She got her phone and sent a text to the group chat letting them know she made it alright.

Okay let's do this, she thought, and got out of the car. Bellas crisps in hand. She let out a breath and knocked on the door. She heard a yell saying “coming!” And footsteps coming closer to the door.

The door was opened, and there stood Bella. They had a look of confusion on their face. “What? Em?” They were at a loss of words.

“I got your crisps you asked for” Emerson smiled and held out the bag.

“You're here, how…how did you?... you were in New York” Bella was shocked to say the least.

“Pedro texted me, asking if I wanted to meet you” Emerson smiled. “And of course I said yes” Bella smiled and pulled the younger girl in for a hug.

“I can't believe you're here em” they whispered into the crook of Emerson's neck. Emerson hugged them back.

“Me too Bells” she grins.

✧˚ · .



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Liked by Novastar, notakari and 670 others
Junenights the first ones literally me rn

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Username same

Username their just perfect

Notakari first impressions???
junenights everything I've hoped for and more
notakari that's great, you should be happy

Username live, laugh, love bella
junenights yupppp

Username she's literally so in love with Bella it's funny
Username @notgrodenramsey
notgrodenramsey I can say that is very true
junenights heyyyy that's not fair

Novastar omggg r u guys cuddling???? 👀
junenights 🤷‍♀️🙈

Drgrey go skinny dipping yet?
Junenights noo and not planing on it
notgrodenramsey I meann we could
junenights shut it

Username r Bella and Emerson together rn??? Bc like based on the comments it seems like it

Notgrodenramsey I can see you posting this rn yk
Junenights shhhhh

Username @notgrodenramsey

Username these two are the reason I live

✧˚ · . Marina speaks!

They met!!

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