afterparty ₊˚⊹♡𓍯𓂃

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"...Please come to this party with me. Look, i know you hate parties but this party will be more fun than any other ones we've been to. Plus, we haven't been to one in a long time." my friend, Ginevra begged on the other line of the phone.
"What's so different about this one?" i asked.
"Because this party will have like famous people" she said excitedly.
"And how do you know them" i said curiously.
"Well this guy i'm talking to, his name is Elio, invited me and told me i can bring someone and i choose you of course. Supposedly it's an afterparty for this award show" she said.
"But i have no clothes" i said trying to excuse myself from going to this party.
"What happened to that dress we got like a month ago, i haven't seen you wear it yet." She said. I stayed silent knowing that she was correct.
"Exactly" she said laughing.
"Okay, fine, I'll go" i said sighing.
"Grazie, y/n. I promise we will have fun, i won't leave your side. See you soon!! Bye, bella (beautiful)" she said as she hung up.
I then hear a notification on my phone telling me she'll come by at 8:00 and we'll leave at 9:30
It was about 7:30 and thought it was time to get ready for the party so i started to try on the dress to see if it looked good before i do my makeup. It emphasized each good curve of my body and hugged me perfectly. I take it off and i start doing my makeup.
Mid way into my makeup i hear the doorbell ring and get up to open the door.
"HII" i said as i motioned Ginevra to come in.
"HII" she said excitedly back as she carried her dress in her hand.
"I need my makeup to turn out so good, i haven't been to a party in a while" i said heading back to my room to finish my makeup.
"Well no makeup or makeup you look really beautiful" she said as she followed me.
"Gosh don't make me kiss you." i said teasingly. We both laugh. I continue to do my makeup as Ginevra sits on my bed on her phone.
I finally finish my makeup and it's time to do my hair. I wanted it to be simple since the attention would be on the dress rather than my hair.
"Y/n, it's 9:00. We should really put our dresses on now" she said as she held out my dress. I nodded and changed into the dress as she also did too.
"Woah, y/n, that dress on you. It hugs you so perfectly" Ginevra said as she admired me through the mirror.
"Says you, that guy you're talking to is such a lucky guy" i said as i admired her.
We do some finishing touches and interlock arms as we walked out the door to head out to the party. We both get into the car, Ginevra driving, me in the passenger seat.
We arrived at the party, looking for a place to park.
"Elio just texted me. He said that he's waiting for us" Ginevra said as she looked at her phone while searching for a spot.
I nodded.
"Look, over there" i said pointing over at a spot.
"Good eye, y/n" Ginevra said with relief in her voice.
"So, how long have you been seeing Elio?" I asked.
"About a month, i kept it a little private because i didn't know if anything would go wrong. Sorry i didn't tell you sooner" she said.
"No, it's okay, i get it." I said.
"Thank you for understanding, you're the bestest best friend ever" she said as she took my hand squeezing it.
I laugh.
"Let's go, i got a man waiting for me in there" she said as she opened the door and got out. I got out and were interlocked arms, preparing for the big crowd bunched together in the party.
"He just texted me, he said he sees me" Ginevra said looking around. I give her an 'oh??" look. She let out a noise as soon as she saw him. She dragged my arm as we wiggled through the big crowd. We finally made it to this booth and a tall brunette stands there looking at Ginevra. She lets go of my arm and they hug each other.
"This is my friend, Y/n. Y/n, this is Elio" Ginevra said cheesing.
"Ciao" i said smiling.
"Ciao" he said returning a smile as he held out his hand so we could shake hands. We shake hands.
"Oh um, didn't you say you had a friend that came with you" Ginevra said looking over at Elio.
"Oh yes, i think he's talking to his other friend right now" He said trying to scan around the place. As he sees his friend, he waves his arms in the air trying to get him to come over.
"LORENZO LORENZO" he yelled out loud.
I see a tall boy with chestnut brown hair and blue eyes walk over to us. That's when i realize thats Lorenzo Zurzolo. I look at Ginevra to see if she saw what i was seeing. She widens her eyes at me.
"I want you to meet Ginevra and her friend Y/n" Elio said.
"Nice to meet you two" Lorenzo said looking at Ginevra and then at me but stayed staring at me.
"Nice to meet you too" i said trying to keep cool.
"Ginevra is the one you're with right?" Lorenzo whispered to Elio loud enough for us to hear. Elio nodded.
"Ginevra, want to go grab a drink?" Elio said. Ginevra looked over at me if it was okay to leave me alone. I nodded at her and sat down at the booth. Lorenzo also sits down and we both look at each other awkwardly in complete silence.
"So, are you from here?" Lorenzo asked breaking the silence.
"No, i moved here about a year and a half ago" i answered.
"Oh that's nice, do you know any Italian?" He asked again.
"Only a little bit, just a few common words" i answered.
"Maybe i could teach you" he said smiling.
"That would be nice. Is it hard?" i also said smiling.
"You'll get use to it. How do you like it here?" He asked.
"I honestly feel so free here, it's like i have nothing to worry about. You know?" I said. He nodded.
"Do you want to go grab a drink?" He asked as he held out his hand.
"Sì" i said as i took his hand. He led me through the crowd to get to the bar.
"I'll take one water and" he told the bartender and then looking over at me for my answer.
"I'll take a water too" i said to the bartender.
"Are you sure you don't want anything else? It's on me" Lorenzo insisted.
"Yeah, i'll have to drive home since Ginevra will probably be knocked out." I said.
He smiles at me. He gets the waters, gives one to me, and takes my hand. He leads me to another room where i see Ginevra and Elio sitting down on the couch. We go over to them.
"Hey guys" Ginevra said as her eyes landed on Lorenzo and I practically holding hands. We both slowly let go of each other as i went to sit next to Ginevra and he went to sit down next to Elio, making them in between us.
"Is that what i think i saw" Ginevra whispers to me.
"It's crowded in here thats why" i whispered back.
"Whatever you say" she whispered. I look over at Lorenzo and he was already looking at me while talking to Elio. He smiles and looks away back to Elio. I smile to myself and look over at Ginevra who just watched that whole interaction. She gave me a look.
"Stop it" i said looking it her.
"What?? I didn't say anything" she said laughing.
"You know, you should make a move on him" she added whispering.
"I don't want to chase" i answer.
"It's not really chasing you're just going to leave small hints for him to make more moves" she said smirking.
"More moves?" I said confused.
"Holding your hand and what looks like him buying you a drink is definitely him making moves at you" she said. I give it some thought and her explanations seem to make sense.
"I mean i guess you're right" i said slightly smiling.
"Great" she said as she tapped Elio's shoulder.
"Is there anything to eat? I'm starting to get hungry" she told Elio. She was trying to get me and Lorenzo alone. I give her a look as her and Elio get up and walk away.
Lorenzo waves at me and motions me to scooch over. I move over.
"This place is starting to get boring" he said laughing a little.
"Yeah, i haven't been to a party in forever" i said.
"Really? So what do you normally do when you have time?" He asked.
"I like to just explore around here, bake, and maybe sometimes watch movies. What about you?" I answered and asked confidently.
"Probably exploring around here too and staying at home since i have got to you know, act" he said.
"Oh yeah, i saw you in that one show, 'Baby', you're very talented" i said because i didn't know what to say.
"Grazie" he said smiling. I smile back and it was silent for a few seconds.
"Follow me" he said all of a sudden. He takes out his hand and i take it as he leads me upstairs to the balcony. It was perfectly dark out to see the stars. We go to the railing and both look up in awe. The wind blows, i let out a slight shiver and develop goosebumps. With our shoulders touching, he felt my slight movements. Without hesitation, he takes off his jacket and puts it on me.
"Grazie" i said smiling at him for the gesture. We look into each other's eyes. I can feel the tension and the warmth of his breath coming closer to me. Then, my ringtone sets off. I let out a slight sigh as i check who it is, Ginevra. I answer the call and walk a few feet away from Lorenzo.
"Y/n, where did you go" she asked kind of yelling because of the loud music.
"Oh um, we'll come back soon" i answered.
"We'll? Are you with Lorenzo?" She asked.
"Well that was your plan for me to do so, wasn't it" i said whispering.
"I'll give you some time" she said as i could feel her smirking through the phone. She hangs up and i look at Lorenzo as he gives me a smile.
"Is everything okay" he asked with concern.
"Yeah, it was just Ginevra asking where we went" i said grinning.
"Is she expecting you anytime soon?" He asks.
"No, she said she'll give us some time" i said.
"Some time" he said laughing.
"Yeah, she always wants me to meet new people and honestly i'm glad i came to this party" i said.
"Yeah? Why?" Lorenzo questions.
"Because i'm actually having a good time here" i said. After i said that, a lot of tension started lingering in the air.
He got close to my face and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed back. The tension i felt before was all released. Not to be over exaggerating but this kiss was so different from all the others i had. It felt like it actually meant something. Like i've known him for ages and we've kissed a thousand times before. We both slowly pull away. He takes my hand leading me to the roof.
"Are you sure this is safe" i said a little scared. He laughs and nods. I take off my heels and he helps me get up there. We both lay down and look up into the sky, admiring the stars. He starts to lay on his side as i can feel him staring. I look over at him and move to my side to face him. He reaches his hand over to play with my necklace.
"Sei così bella" (You're so beautiful) he said, putting his hand on my cheek.

authors note ✎:
i lost ideas on what to write about so this one is pretty bad 😒😕

LORENZO ZURZOLO ྀིྀི PREFERENCES & IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now