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Adi's POV

"We've successful taken off. You're requested to take of your seat belts and pick up your belongings. Thank you for riding with us. Have a safe journey" -flight attendant

It's 11:30 at noon. It's not so hot in here. The sky is partly cloudy resulting to rain soon. I was sitting in the window side seat. The plane is slowly taking off touching the ground. The sun is piercing through my skin. Looks like I have to pick up our luggages as mom and dad is busy in arguing with each other.

MOM: EXCUSE ME??? Now you're saying it's my FAULT?? I was the one who kept the driving license on the bookself so that YOU can notice it and carry it with yourself. HOW CAN YOU LEAVE IT THERE LIKE THAT WHEN I HAVE TOLD YOU TO PICK IT UP ABOUT HUNDRED TIMES YOU FORGETFUL MAN??

DAD: "Hey Honey. Why are you making fuss about it? We can make another one. I can tell mr.Foei ( Dad's assistant ) to make another one. Don't worry".

Mom: "YEAH YEAH oFc. Looks like you also forgot that you gave him 1 week leave. And he is in Thailand. Now you're going to take your assistant's help. This time you can't get away from me. No food for you today. You can go eat outside MR. GIMOON!!!"

Here we go again. They don't even notice that I am carrying all this by myself. Well there is no choice left.....

"I booked a cab already. Can you stop arguing now? Look your dear daughter is carrying all these stuffs plz help her (-_-)"

Dad: You can leave those there dear. They(servants)will take care of it. Those are so heavy. Look the cab is here. Let's go!

Mom is still angry on him. Today is a very unlucky day for dad haha. They are so cute while arguing. I got inside our cab. After 2 hours of traffic and tiring journey atlast we reached our location and wow! My mom and dad have already arranged everything. My dad brought this house from Uncle and I must tell Uncle has a great taste. We're currently standing infront of our new House in Seoul. Well more like a mansion than a house. From now on a new chapter of my life is gonna start.

It's true that I haven't been in Seoul for more than 6 years but still I can tell by only taking a glance that it's totally a new mansion in here. I don't have to worry for unknown places as I will just ride my brother's fellow bike and take a roam around so that the places can be familiar to me. I really miss him a lot. He had to stay at LA as he has a goal to complete graduation from Uni at LA. My big brother has grown a lot. He is 23 years old now. He is the one who taught me bike behind my parent's back. Hehehehehe....

As we entered we were gracefully greeted by uncle lee. He hugged my father.

Uncle Lee: Welcome to Seoul my friend! Aigo you look like you have lost a lot of weight out there. Take care of yourself. Did you like the house?

Dad: I must say my daughter is already in love with the house. Thanks for all the arrangement. I transferred the money already.

Uncle lee: Mention not Bro. Feel free to contact if you need any help. Bye for now.

Uncle Lee left. Mom and dad is unpacking in their luggages. I took my stuff and one serving lady took me upstairs at my room.

"This is your room now mam. I will be yours personal maid. Mrs. Park hired me to take care of you. I am Liya."

-"plz don't call me mam. Just call me Adi. It's nice to meet you Liya eonnie. I don't need anything for now. Don't worry you can go."

"Just lemme know if you need anything ma- sorry A-adi"

-yup. Thank you eonnie.

At 2:30 pm:
I changed my sweaty clothes and took a cold shower. It felt like heaven as shifting days are very tiring. My lazy ass couldn't wait anymore. I came out of my bathroom and jumped on the bed. Liya eonnie had helped me in unpacking. Not gonna lie buy Liya eonnie is actually pretty. I picked up my phone from the lamp-table. Shit! I forgot to switch it on. Damn it!

>>16 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙂𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙩: 𝙀𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨

Group chat:

Jisoo: Guys I think Adi died in plane crash. Rip Park Jae-min ( TДT)

Miya: What??? No wayyyyy (T_T)

Bora: Stop guys this is bullsh#t :-(

Adi: WTF-

Bora: I told you she is alive you didn't listen

Adi: I can't die in this young age bitc#es. I didn't have a chance to date yet.

Jisoo: yeah how can you talk about dates when we're all crying messes here.

Miya: Exactly bi#ch. Mind explaining?

Adi: Yeah sorry about that. I was so busy for unpacking and I was exhausted also. I forgot about my phone.

Jisoo: Ok ok. Well we missed you so much.

Miya: Yeah me 2

Bora: me 3

Adi: me4. Speaking of which I also have a surprise for you.

Miya: Ok don't tell me-

Adi: Yeah fellows I am going to GEUMDO HIGHSCHOOL!!!!!


BORA: OMFG i am sooo happy. Finally we all four can reunite.

Miya: Can't wait to see you.

Adi: Great. we will meet tomorrow then. Why don't we celebrate together after school at my house? What do you think?

Bora: Yup. That will be fun.

Jisoo: That's a great idea.

Adi: Shit! I am running out of charge. TTyl guys! Bye♡~

Jisoo: yeah yeah take some rest bye Adi~

Miya: Bye guys♡!~

After blabbering with my Bestfriends for half and hour. I went downstairs and finished eating dinner with mom and dad. We had some parent-daughter talks then we went to our rooms. It was raining outside. Raindrops were running down the window glasses making the room more romantic as it already was. It smells so good speically while raining. Wait what tf am I thinking? I have a lot to do tomorrow so I need to take rest. I hope my first day at school goes pretty well. I am a chill person so worrying is not in my vocabulary. I turned on blue dim light. I took my headphones and played Summertime sadness × I was never there mashup and in no time I fell asleep.

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