The memory of love

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Tommy's pov

"Hey tubbo" I said looking at tubbo who was sitting beside me " ya toms" tubbo said looking at Tommy " would you believe me if I said I'm married to someone" I said looking at tubbo for an answer " Yea I know about "the many wives" you have " tubbo said unamused at Tommy's question . Tommy shook his head and said " no I'm serious Tubbs I'm already married to someone" Tommy said showing the ring his wearing to tubbo " then how come I have never seen it before " tubbo said to Tommy and Tommy can see tubbo doesn't believe him " well ... I didn't want dream to see the ring I'm wearing and I also didn't want anyone to know that I'm married to someone " I said looking very serious " Tommy did you seriously think that you can buy a wedding ring and say you are married and I should suddenly believe it and second of all who did you marry there's only a few of us around your age in the first place!" Tubbo said crossing his arms looking at Tommy like he said the dumbest thing tubbo has ever heard " I did not married someone in the server and second of all the fuck you mean that I bought it just to lie about something this important " Tommy said glaring at tubbo like he was offended but he is a bit mad that tubbo doesn't believe him " Yea sure so what you got married at sixteen from someone who is not in the server yea right then show me a picture of them" tubbo said closing his eyes " I don't have one I lost the one I have during the war " Tommy said looking a bit sad " Yea sure Bossman whatever you say " tubbo said still not opening his eyes and Tommy just gave up trying to explain to tubbo


" Hey boob boy how are you " Tommy said startling ranboo who was mining when Tommy asked him ranboo turned around to face Tommy with a I'm so done face " for the last time Tommy my name is ranboo! And I'm fine thank you for asking " ranboo said going back to what he was doing " heyyyy come on I'm bored talk to me how's the married life " I'm busy Tommy Tommy but we are fine " really I thought you would say something else like I mean even I sometimes get mad at my husband and look for someone to talk about it " Tommy said having some flashbacks " Yea I mean me and tubbo usually never argue about something and ............WAIT husband!??!?? What do you mean husband!? " ranboo said snapping his neck to look at Tommy in shock Tommy blinked at ranboo a few times " Yea my husband I'm married I told you when I was in exile you know " Tommy said staring at ranboo suddenly ranboo dropped his pickaxe to go get his memory book while Tommy continues to stare at the direction ranboo ran before shrugging and slowly began to walk to go to puffy's to visit her


" Tubbo !!! " Ranboo said slamming the bedroom door open startling tubbo and Michael who was sleeping inside " JEEZ bossman you scared us ... What happened to you look like your questioning your entire existence " did you know that Tommy.. " " MIMI " yes Mimi Michael and did you know he was married!?" ranboo said looking at tubbo who was putting Michael to sleep for an answer tubbo blinked and sat up straight before shrugging " he told me at the bench but I don't know if I should believe him or not I mean I never seen him wearing the ring before and when I asked who it was he said he married someone who was not even in the server and then when I asked for a photo of him Tommy said he lost the one he had during the war!? " Tubbo said in disbelief..they both sat in silence for a while " Yea your right it is a little bit suspicious but at the same time what Tommy's saying makes sense I mean he maybe did take off the ring to protect the information from others so no one knows and takes advantage of it and you know better than anyone else that Tommy won't lie about things like this " ranboo said believing in what Tommy said but tubbo still looked like he was not going to believe what ranboo said " just rest boo we well talk about it tomorrow ok " ranboo just look sad that tubbo doesn't believe in what Tommy and ranboo said before turning off the light and lying on the bed with tubbo and Michael.

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