The family drama

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Ranboo's pov

I woke up the next morning and talked with tubbo about Tommy for the last time before going to visit technoblade and Phil for a meeting to see if they know something about Tommy's marriage and who he is married to he checked if he packed everything he needed for the travel before saying goodbye to tubbo and Michael as he opened the door and got ready to go their house


After arriving at techno's cabin he knocked on it a few time before the door was being opened by techno " hey technoblade" ranboo said greeting him before going inside his house " heyy ranboo " techno said moving out the way so ranboo can go he closed the door and led ranboo to sit at the meeting table where everyone else is sitting they both sat down " sorry if I'm late " ranboo said looking nervous " it's fine mate most of just came a few minutes before you " Phil said reliving ranboo's nerves before techno started the meeting...... And ranboo looked around the table to see who was there he saw Nikki , jack , Wilbur , philza , technoblade , and last but no least himself. . . .

After the meeting ends " guys can I ask you something " ranboo said not knowing what else to say in this situation " Yea ranboo what is mate why do you look so confused " Phil said shocking ranboo " is it that obvious" ranboo said looking at all of them " I mean Yea you were looking around like you want to say something" wilbur said before Phil gave them all tea " then about that did you know Tommy was married" it was dead silent for a few seconds before busting into chaos "HUH" techno said spitting out the tea along with Wilbur Nikki and Jack just look shocked " WHAT" Wilbur yelled out as Phil just processed what ranboo just asked " he's married!!!!? " Phil yelled silencing them all " since when he married? " Jack asked the ranboo and all of them stared towards ranboo looking for an answer " he said before coming to this server " ranboo said all of them just sat in silence Wilbur was thinking while others were confused " WAIT I remember he was close with some people before we came here " Wilbur yelled out making them all stunned " Yea I remember him telling me about this one guy " Nikki said " just like I thought he definitely is married" ranboo mumbled to himself " so what he got married at sixteen and I didn't even know that he was married... We are going to visit him and if you don't want to come I will go and ask him myself" Phil said standing up " I'll come with you " Wilbur said he needs answer both of them turned around and said " you are coming also " Wilbur said pointing at techno " fineee" techno just huffed " me and Nikki will go home we have nothing to do with this " jack said before walking outside " bye guys " Nikki said following jack Phil started to pack what they need for travel " by the way ranboo you have to show us where Tommy's house is " Wilbur said to ranboo who was standing " um about that I don't think Tommy will appreciate that you guys know where his house is how about I just call him to come visit you tomorrow " they all stared at ranboo " Yea I think that's for the best you can go home kid " techno said to ranboo " ok bye guys I will tell Tommy to meet you at .. " " 10am " Phil said " ok I will tell him " ranboo then started to walk towards his house they stared for a few minutes before closing the door they all sat down " so Wilbur who are the some people you are talking about " techno said looking at Wilbur and Phil also turned towards him " Yea who are they mate " Wilbur blinked " well there was a lot of them I can only remember a few of them Luke,Lani , Beau..... And yea Tommy talked a lot about this guy named deo " and that was the name that send chills down Phil and techno spine they looked at each other in horror " mate remember carefully... Was his name Timedeo " Phil said suddenly looking very nervous for his answer Wilbur stared at them in confusion " Yea that was his name " Wilbur answer making both of them stare at him horror " why do you both look so horrified do you both know him " Wilbur said looking so confused " do we know him ?! He humiliated me in front of the whole server we were in and almost killed me!" Techno said looking at Wilbur in anger " Mate! Calm down Wilbur doesn't know about it " Phil said glaring at techno for yelling at Wilbur and techno just went into his room " WAIT! WHAT he almost killed you how !!? " Wilbur said in disbelief techno was the strongest person Wilbur can think of along with Phil " Yea mate he is crazy strong and almost killed both of us and humiliated techno " phil said looking very tired " let's talk about this tomorrow " Phil said before going upstairs to his room leaving Wilbur lying down on the couch wondering what the fuck just happened today before closing his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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