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Severus slowly walked down the hall, Kuno and Fenrir following behind him. He led them up to the private floor and to his bedroom. He held the door open, letting them in, and turned around to close the door behind him when he saw the door to Tom's private sitting room open. The man himself stepped out. They looked at each other, and Severus raised a brow, but Tom simply rolled his eyes and walked to his bedroom.

Shutting the door, he turned around to see both mates sitting on his bed, staring at him. He sighed, preparing himself to speak, getting his words in order as he walked around the other side of the bed and sat on the edge facing away from the two.

"I'm sorry," Was the first thing he said. "I'm sorry for the way I've acted towards the two of you for the past few days, I shouldn't have avoided you or ignored you when you tried to talk to me. I just couldn't wrap my head around it all. I have waited for my mate from the second I got my inheritance. Then when I finally found you, My alpha is what I have nightmares about every full moon, and my Dom/Sub is the boy who I have been nothing but cruel to since the moment we met," He finished, it was silent for a while before the bed behind him dipped and arms wrapped around his waist.

"It's fine, Sev," Kuno told him as he pulled him further onto the bed. "We are just happy that you have decided to talk to us before we have to go back to Hogwarts," he said.

"Besides," Fenrir said as he walked around the bed and sat directly beside him. "We would have waited for you as long as it took you to come to us."

Severus sighed as he leaned back into Kuno's chest and closed his eyes. It was quiet for a while before The Dom/Sub decided to speak. "I have been thinking about what I should do about going back to Hogwarts," He said, and Severus opened his eyes and turned to look at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, You need to go back because Harry Potter has been missing, and if you don't go, It will be suspicious. and I can easily go back to either Kuno Riddle or Harry Potter. I think if I do go back as Potter, I could get more inside news to help Tom with taking down Dumbledore, But as Kuno, I would be free to be myself, and I could be with you more. But, there is the problem of staying close to Fenrir. We can't leave the castle often because, again, that would be suspicious, and Fenrir has his pack to deal with in another part of the country. I also don't want to risk being placed under any more spells or potions by the old coot, and I know whoever I choose to go will try to get me on their side," He told his mates.

"Well, I think I have a solution," Severus said as he stood from the bed and went to the fireplace. He pressed a few bricks, and the wall opened to reveal a small black box. He pulled it out and made his way back to the bed. He handed the box to Kuno, who opened it and gasped at what he saw inside. There were five rings, all identical. They were dark green, with a blood-red ruby. There were also runes carved into the bands.

"Wow, Severus, these are beautiful," Fenrir said as he looked into the box.

"My mother made them," The vampire said, taking his place back on the bed. "The bands are made out of dragon and snake bones and skin, and the jewel is made out of their blood and venom, all fused together by the darkest magic possible. The runes are for protection, my mother knew a lot about the terrible things that happened in the world. She lost most of her family because of it, so she needed a way to protect the ones she loved, so she researched and read every book and document she could get her hands on. She found runes that, if done right, can protect you from all magic meant to harm you. Once you put them on, they will join with your own magic and if you are ever in need of help it will pull other people who are wearing one of the other five to you because they are all connected to each other," He said, taking two of the rings out and handing them to Kuno and Fenrir.

"But there are only five rings," Fenrir said, and Snape looked at him confused. "You said other five rings, but there are only five here, not six," he explained, and Snape held out his right hand. A ring identical to the other appeared on his middle finger. "There are six; I have been wearing one since I started working at Hogwarts; they are undetectable and will only be visible if you wish. I never trusted Dumbledor, and I wanted to be as safe as possible. It protects against charms, hexes, potions, spells, you name it," he finished and the two nodded and slipped the rings onto their fingers.

They felt the magic of the ring connect with their own before connecting the other two rings. "Now that's one problem solved, What about spending time together? I could easily sneak my way down to Severus' rooms in the night and stay there, until the next morning as long as we don't leave the castle. But what about Fen?" Kuno asked, and the werewolf raised a brow at the nickname.

"I have a floo in my quarters, I have it connected to the ones here and in Malfoy Manor for when Draco, Lucius, or Tom wants to visit. If you have a floo I could connect the channels and you could come during the night or whenever you wish," Servus said.

"That's a brilliant idea. We go back in two days so we have time to prepare everything we need and plan for what we will do once we arrive," Kuno said. After that, the conversation drifted off to unimportant topics, and the mates talked until late that night before all finally falling asleep, on top of the covers and still dressed in their party clothes.


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Word count: 1068

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 3 pm

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