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Everything was going to plan, Dumbledore was slowly and visibly becoming weaker. You could see it when he tried to perform magic, and in his physical features as well. It's been two months since they started sneaking in poisonous sweets and they were happy to see how fast they were working. Dumbledore was barely standing on his own, a medi-witch was brought in from Saint Mungos who was constantly by his side now. But with the number of sweets they have snuck into him, they estimate he only has a few days left.

They had also released A LOT of compromising information about the old goat and let's just say the wizarding world was bugging to wonder who the real bad guys were. 'Harry Potter' had made an appearance as well, beaten and bruised. Blaming the 'light side' for his state.

It was spring break, and the family was sitting in the garden at Riddle Manor, by the little pond at the far end. The only three people who weren't with them were Tom, Lucius, and Severus. The three were doing planning, and the rest didn't have to take part because it involved the ministry taking over. Tom already had the majority of his death eaters working in the ministry.

"What are you guys planning on doing for the rest of the break?" Draco asked from his seat on his mate's lap.

"Well, Kuno and I plan to finally mate our stubborn submissive," Fenrir said from his position on his back with Kuno's head on his stomach; the rest of the group smiled at him.

"Finally," Draco said as he smiled at Viktor, who smirked back and licked his own mating mark on the submissive's neck.

They sat there for a few more hours, enjoying the sun until the other three joined them with a few more. Tom and the Lestrange brothers were the first ones to arrive; the twins were fusing over Tom, who looked like he was about to explode at them. "Raba, Robo, enough already. I'm a month pregnant, I'll be fine. Stop fussing. You're starting to act like Lucius," he snapped, and the two pouted at him.

"Should I take offense to that?" Lucius said as he came into view with Karkaroff, who had a hand on his baby bump.

Tom scoffed at the oldest Malfoy veela who playfully glared at him. Severus shook his head at the two as he appeared behind his mates. "Hello," He said as he sat down next to them.

The two immediately turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey," Kuno replied. "We have to talk to you about something," he said as he stood and pulled the vampire to his feet. Fenrir stood after and followed the two as they both walked in front of him holding hands.

"They're going to get laid," Draco exclaimed, and Viktor smacked him upside the head.

"Finally," Lucius said, as he pulled his mate closer to him. "The sexual tension between them is unbelievable."

"How are things going at the ministry, father?" Draco asked, not wanting to keep a conversation about his brother's sex life going.

"Well, it's complete. It's completely under our control, and Dumbledore dies in a few days. I will take over, and from there, everything will fall into place," the man replied, and Draco smiled.

He couldn't wait for the old coat to die. Ever since their golden boy disappeared, he's been making things hard for the Slytherins.

"I'm hungry," Karkaroff spoke a little while later.

"We'll eat inside, it's time for dinner anyways," Lucius said, and the group started to make their way into the house.

"I doubt the others will be joining us," Rabastan said to his brother who sniggered.


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Word count: 608

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 4:30 pm

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