10: I'm Packing Up My Pie and Leaving

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Toriel’s behavior has been a little strange after returning from hanging out with Napstablook.

For starters…

“Wha-Hey, why are you packing away my stuff??” You ask frantically, running into your room.

Is this it? Is she finally bored of you and kicking you out? You’re not going to lie, you just assumed you would live the rest of your days with Toriel. MAYBE that would’ve changed if Frisk decided to show up, but MAYBE. You didn’t expect to come home to see Toriel in your room, packing up your clothes in a suitcase.

You thought… You thought when she called you her child, that she meant it. That when she showed you her soul, and she accepted yours, that it meant she actually cared about you the way you genuinely cared for her.

The goat monster stands up hastily, turning around to look at you with wide eyes. “[Y/n]…! I didn’t expect you to be back so soon-”

Her words get caught in her throat at your rapidly growing tears.

“No, no. Just… tell me what I need to do to change, okay?” Your voice wavers as your tears fall easily down your cheeks, “Just tell me what it is, and I’ll do it.”


“No, Tori. You make me happy.” Your chest heaves at your attempt to withhold a sob,  “Please don’t throw me away.

Soft, warm arms pull you into an embrace. Your face is tucked in the crook of Toriel’s soft neck as her arms hold you tight.

“No, no! Oh, my sweet child, I’m not throwing you away-I’m not getting rid of you,” Her soul aches at your rapidly spiraling thoughts, she couldn’t bear seeing you cry and being the reason why. “Oh, [Y/n]. Please do not cry, it’s not what it seems.”

Your hands clutch at the fabric on the back of her dress, “But… But why are you…?”

“I had planned to sit you down to talk to you about it, but you came back so soon,” Toriel gently redirects you to the bed, doing her best not to trip since she doesn’t want to let you go. “I just… We need to address your stay here, specifically in the Ruins.”

You pull away finally once you two are sitting down. Your face is hot in slight embarrassment and shame from crying so easily. Your period ended yesterday, but you’re still allowed to blame it, right?

“I know that you’re adamant about staying here, and from the depths of my soul, it means so much to me that you want to stay with me,” She wipes your teary eyes with her sleeves, “But you and I both know you’re getting rather depressed staying here already.”

You grimace at her blunt words, but say nothing to refute them because she’s right.

“You will remain unhappy if you are trapped here. The Ruins are very small once you get used to them. As much as I am hesitant about it, I think it would be in your best interest if perhaps you finally venture out of this place.” Toriel smiles, squishing your cheeks slightly with her fuzzy hands, “That’s not to say you’re not allowed to come back. I very much would like it if you would visit from time to time, and call every once in a while.”

“What’s even past the Ruins?” You ask like a fake bitch because you know damn well.

“There’s a small town called Snowdin. Last I remember is that it’s not very populated, and the folks are rather kind. Just as the name implies, it’s cold all year ‘round, and the entire place is covered in snow.”

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