Episode - 01

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Stalkers Pov :
( pov meanings is point of view )

hey babycats don't ask now who I'm definitely I know you all know me but still shhhh be silent don't say any words okay naa I need to stalking yours pooh so I can make him mine don't say it him naa shhhhhh 🤫

so basically I watched him from a distance just sometimes when he come up his college campus I silently following him but suddenly he saw me so he start to run so I also site my bike and going after him slowly slowly because I know how he is slow for run lol and I going observed about him like that now is

his cute dark hair blowing out in the wind , his cheeks were flushed , his blood growing warm , his heart beat are going up down and his breath pumping faster after the couple of miles he'd just run from me . even his tshirt are blowing out in the wind and I try to see his ting waist muscles and want to so much hugging every curve of his body especially that waist .

I couldn't help but thinking this and start to smile. God , you made my was so beautiful and cute


I see him finally he come to a step and start to caught his breath so firstly . waiting for the other boy's to meet him . I know he always going to his home alone but today he had his friends with him . I thinking myself like I feel bad for made him keep running like that I hope he is fine after sometimes


I parked my bike and leaned back against the tree, the rough bark makes the slightest noise against my jacket I knew I would remain unseen here

around this time I suddenly see someone in his friends group try to hide his arm's

I straightened, my eyes remained en him . I'm worried about him what if he hurt him so badly .

"I hate you p'nut , you try to beat me again look p'top ( topten pooh called topten as p'top ) and p'pon what p'nut try to doing again !" his friend's laughed as pooh shoved her face look like he is crying of pain .


his friend's asked him : why you come here like this

Pooh : I don't know haha

I just know they four are to closed but still I wondering why pooh don't talk about me with his friends not just friends even they're bestfriends why reason behind this I need to find out soon


I see he brushed with her hands the dirt off her clothes and leaned over to wall stretching her back

If he thought he was so much good at this so god the things I had planned for him us so good naa ( with smirking smile )

He give his bag to his one of bestfriends , his name is pon and he started to panting, running a hand through his silky hair and he want to try to take deep breaths because of running I could see him like this from here , keep watching pooh made my day passed already now is evening

Putting hands back into my pockets I relaxed myself the sunlight gave him golden and silver glow , he literally looked like an prince my prince so delicate so much perfect without perfect and I couldn't ever bring myself to look away

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