Episode - 33

315 13 14

Little bit Flashback from Episode - 32

Pooh's pov ( point of view ) :

paper note : baby , I'll explain soon this everything  , don't hate me naa huh ! I love you naa , I miss you naa , see you soon naa , don't think to much pooh , your Pavel always your's like you said , don't kill me naa be gentle with yourself baby pupu and be good for me naa

with this

I found Inside the box was a necklace writing is poohpavel and a silver chain with a tiny silver gun pendant

I was going to kill Pavel for making me like this

like what Pavel said to me I make surprise reaction

what pavel do if I die for heart attack

Pavel come home then I will show you what pooh is

aii sutt

Flashback end


Episode - 33 started from here

Still Pooh's pov ( point of view ) :

like seriously what Pavel think about he is , he totally make me die without any weapon lol

with that paper note of Pavel after I read I sit up in top of my bed and start out of my breath deeply and panting my hands flew to my chest my breathing out of control because of what happened right now and I'd had the nightmare again the same one I'd had every single night  this week about Pavel especially about me and It would begin down in that basement and I would be unable to move, my hands and feet bound by ropes and I would watch as the walls began to get tighter and sailub's laugh echoing around in my ear still , today I just wake up scream pavel's name but Pavel ?? Pavel wouldn't appear I always woke up in a cold sweat and just as tired as I had been before going to sleep


It had been already 1 week passed since pavel disappeared from the hospital and wrote me that paper note


I still didn't know where Pavel had gone or when Pavel had be back to me and make me relax with this fact that Pavel created the world I was forced to live in and then when real danger had come also gone but suddenly Pavel disappeared and leaving me to deal with the aftermath alone aaaaa

with this thoughts

I sit in the dark room in my top of bed and my breathing finally becoming normal as I calmed down myself


just closed my eyes for relax with this thoughts but suddenly I heard Pavel whispering voice towards me like Pavel said to me

Pavel ( with whispering voice ) :

I missed you pooh

firstly I thought that's my thoughts maybe but after I saw pavel shadow in dark I understand thats him so I standing and step towards the beside of my bed and in some second and I just grabbed the gun Pavel give me and I kept that gun hidden under my beside dower and then I going towards Pavel totally and holding that gun  to pavel's head and the darkness still make me know that's my Pavel and I just noticed that a couple healing cuts flashing white against pavel's skin so I reached out a hand my fingers closing in a fist around the material of his t-shirt so I can touch Pavel

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