Stars Have Fallen

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Meralia sharpened her claws, growling at Nixon. Soon enough he collapsed due to heat.

"Ugh...I should've known Tundra Wolves couldn't handle Desert heat." She complained.

Her right hand man Whirlpool came near.

"Meralia? Kelp said he saw Wolf bats near the Oasis, should I assemble the warriors?" He asked.

Meralia shook her head and looked over to him.

"No but I'm not getting anything out of this stupid wolf. Uncuff him and try and cool him off." She sighed, ears twitching.

Whirlpool uncuffed Nixon and the moment he did Nixon made a run for it. Nixon knew how to escape from Oasis Wolves from experience. Pretend to be unconscious and they'll uncuff you to try and cool you down.

Whirlpool chased after Nixon and they came near a valley. May I remind you Nixon is a celestial being as said last chapter.

Nixon kicked a lose rock and the entire valley came down on Whirlpool. Nixon didn't regret what he did when he saw the blood seeping out from underneath the rocks. There was a howl and Meralia was sniffing the blood. By then Nixon was gone and Meralia was furious.

"How dare he..." She growled.

Nixon had just broken a pact that'd lived for a million years now the Palm Beach wolves and Snow Star wolves were at war and Nixon was the cause.

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