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jeongyeon arrived at the mall with her big smile cause today was her day hanging out with her two bestfriends yes who else Park jihyo and son cheayonggg their promise to meet up at the one of big mall in the korea ,,, actually jeongyeon just want to meet them at silence place cause jeongyeonnn dont like crowded place and to many people but because of today is cheayong birthday so their let cheayong decide where to meet and celebrate it also cheayong know jeongyeon dont like a crowded place she decided to rent one of this mall floor like only they can be there ! ofc cheayong is rich and also her dad own this place my means this mall ... beside cheayong said she had surprise i had nothings idea abt that cause we didn't meet for almost a month cause everyone bussy with their own business...

jihyoo : " yeah yoo jeongyeon yeahh ?!! is that u ? i misss u so much !! " she said while run to jeongyeon to hug her bestfriends  " its oredy been a month we didn't meet each other doh " she add again ...

jeongyeon : she just smile and hug her bestfriends baack tightly she also miss her bestfriends who know everything abt her who there for her from the start until end  ... " tskkk ,, i misss u to idiottt " i saiddddd while smile ... " oh yeah where chea ? didn't she said she oredy arrive ? she make us waiting " i said again ....

jihyo : " she oredy here but she take her girlfriend at outside ,,, dont u believe? she rent this entire floor just for us to hangout ? ahaha that crazzy cub ! " jihyo said while put her hand on jeong shoulder ...

jeongyeon : " duh ? this is her father mall thats not a rent ahahaha " i chuckled a bit and continued " wait a gf ? ahahah wah she improved im proud of her " i said laughing ,, while we both bussy with memories the place here cheayong come with person behind her still cant see clearly ...

cheayong : "hyunggg !!! unnie !!!" she said while wave at ussss ... from a far i can see someone behind her like someone i use to know someone who i love the most ... " hah ? introduced to you guys my beloved girlfriend one and only one myoui minaaaaaa "

jeongyeon and mina eyes meet with full shoock and akwardly ,,, jeongyeong feel verry happy to see women she love and like the most pluss feel very empty cause this is cheayong new girlfriends this the time when im really scared to happends but i hide my hurt feeling and try to act cool and force to smile ....

mina : " eeehh ? jeongyeon unnie ? you friends of son cheayong ??? " she said with full of shock while still can smileee cause she also misss yo jeongyeon ... " hi jihyo unnieee " she add

cheayong : " eeee u both know each other ? u know jihyo unnie also ? " cheayong ask very suprisely

jihyooo : " hi minariiii !! long time no seee !! u look very beautiful and fancy right now .. HAHAHAHA ofc we know each other she is jeongyeon childhood friends remember im also jeongyeon childhood friends the three of us !! dont u say jeongyeon ? " jihyo said try to save  the situation she know everything she know jeongyeon feeling toward minaaa .... jihyo just can stare at jeongyeon with sympathy!

jeongyeon : she must to stay strong and think later and dont let her tearrrrr drop ..... " ah huh yesssss chea and yes also for minaaaaaaa we are childhood friend and our dad is a business partner also like our parents was to close " jeongyeon said slowlyyyy and smile forcely ...

cheayong : " really ? so i dont need to be nervous anymore ? and try to explain everything? glad to heard that at first ofc im so excited to tell u guys abt her but u guys oredy know each otherrrrrrr ! " she said while hold mina waist tightly

jeongyeon :" dont u always talk about her with us ? " jeongyeon try to make her bestfriends smile and boost her confidence while she know right now her heart broke into a piece.... she just watching minaaaa nd mina also keeep looking at her we can see at mina eyes full of guilty... " so this is korean women u tell me before minari ? " jeong ask with force smile to make things up ...

minaaa : " yeah unnie !! stop embarrassing me infront of cheaaa " mina get blushing and push jeongyeon hand slow ...

chea : " really ? ahahaha u like me that much ? " stupid yo jeongyeon she play with tthe fire she hurt her self moreeee for asking thatsss ....

jihyo : notice that and try to change the topic " why not we go find something to eat ? and order the cake im hungry !! " jihyo said while hold jeongyeon hand she know the girl was hurt by that situation and must to face the thing where her childhoof crush and forever crush was dating her high school bestfriends !!

chea : " who birthday is this ? like u the one who craving a cake so much !! ahahah okay okay lets go babyy !! " cheayong hold mina hand and go walk infront of them ..

jeongyeon just can stay silent and akwardly she dont know how to react and she dont know how broken she is ,, she know mina didn't like her back minaaa didn't want to answer her feeling she know mina deserve to be happy but how she wish she the one who can make mina happy ....

time skippp ,, their hang around eat , playing game , watching movie , drink until drunk and  moreee ! than this is the timeee they must separate ... for going on their own home ofc !

chea : " this is a great birthday celebration i ever had ! thankyou jeongyeon uni jihyo uni for want to celebrate it with me ! u guys are the best and the world for me ,, ofc for you to ma baby princesss " chea said while kiss her girlfriend cheek ...

mina : " aww beb u drunk we should go home " minaa said softly and shyly after get kiss by cheaa

jihyo : " yes mina please take care of chea she drunk as fuck Hahaha  i will take care of jeongyeon from hereee " jihyo said while looking at jeongyeon sit at near of the road infront of the mall

mina : " ahh thankgod jihyo unie ,, please take care of jeongyeon unie ! tell her i will visit her soon... i will go from here unnie " mina said while seeing jeongyeon worriedly she didn't expect what happend today abt everything ... she can see jeongyeon was hurt but she keep being selfish she know that .. slowly their walk away to parking lot she carried chea and get in to the car and veoom out from their sight ...

jeongyeon pov

jihyo : " yeah yo jeongyeon ? are u okay ? u wanna me to drop u home ? u look very mess right now ? " jihyo ask worriedly ... suddenly someone calling ... " chincaaaa ? right now ? oh ghost !!! oraits i come i come u lucky i didn't get drunk " she said while hang up the calll  and watch  jeongyeon

jeongyeon : " why ? u had emergency from hospital? go head leave me here im okayyy i just need some time to get ma self dont worry " i said while my head feel very havy and spining

jihyo : " are u crazy ? i willl not leave u here alone ! " jihyo said worriedly ..

jeongyeon : " than u wanna let ur patient die ? or what ? " i said while laughing hard ...

jihyo : " haishhh " she take her phone again and call someone .. " yeah unnie ? can u help me ? pick up some friends at xxxxxxx i had emergency at the hospital so i cant make it ? can u help me ? i will give u her adressss so please help me " jihyo said " thankyou unni " before end the call ..
" yeah jeongyeon i call someone to pick u up !! so u wait here ! dont go anywhere she will be here for a minute so u listen to me ! " jihyo talk to ma face with her serious tone ..

jeongyeon : " arrasoo arraso now go to ur patient u will be so bad if u arrive late " i said while push her to go ..

jihyoo : " aish yo jeongyeong ! i will catch up with u later " she said with heavy voice cause she worried with her friends and she leave ..

40 minutes laterr ..

jeongyeon : " huh ? how long i must to wait ? why jihyo must to send someone while i can drive by myself im not to drunk " i said while try to stand up with ma spining head ... " i will drive by ma self " i said..

" yeah yeah !! watch ur stepp .. im sorry i wass late !! there was traffic jam ,, eehh wait ? misss art teacher ? " the girl said little bit shock ..

jeongyeon : she cant take it anymore her head feel like wanna broke into pieces,, i dont know anymore jeongyeon said while push her body toward that girl and suddenly blank out ....

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