Things go Horribly Wrong

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"Oh no! It's 11:45 already. Why do the faculty need to keep the Internal Assessment on such a rainy day?  Why is clock ticking so fast? I'm getting late for the test. I wish It doesn't rain until I reach college."

Kavya takes out her umbrella and sets out for her college. She rushes her footsteps on the slippery roads. There were dazzling flashes of the lightning. There was heavy drizzle for a short while, but soon turned into steady downpour. Kavya waits for some time for the rain to stop under the shade of tree, but there seems no sign of that. She checks the time in her phone.  

She sees city bus standing at the stop and without any further delay she walks Fast and don't mind the inconvenience of her wet umbrella and half wet clothes. She manages to board on the bus before it leaves. 

The bus was already packed with people. No sooner Kavya fights her way through the crowd to find a seat, a mischievous kid grabbed it before she could.

Meanwhile her friend Tanya calls her, "Kavya, its already 12:00, where are you? Test is going to start soon." 

 "I'm almost here. Just few minutes." 

After arriving, she rush inside the College corridors, and run down the long vacant hall until she reaches her classroom.

"You were at the verge of being late. Thankfully the teacher gave in extra minutes for those who were stuck into rain. You're so wet. Take time to dry yourself. I have already marked your attendance." Tanya informs her. 

"Thank you." Kavya takes a sigh of relief.

The test begins shortly. Everyone takes a glance at the exam paper and begins writing. After 2 hours, everyone submits their answer sheets.

" This Internal assessment carries 25% of the total weightage. I hope everyone would have done well.  As for the Practical class today, it stands cancel. Make sure to submit your project files in my office by today itself." The Professor told the students.

"This is to inform you all, those who are interested in summer internship may collect and fill out the application forms from the placement cell. Seats are limited. So, take note of the time." the class representative announced.

"Are you going to apply for it?"  Tanya asked. 

"Yes. Definitely. I want to seize every opportunity I get." Kavya replied.

"What about you?"

"Perhaps not this time. I will be busy dealing with some stuff............."

"Woah... that's a long queue. The placement cell closes at 3:00 pm. File submission may take a long time. It's 2:45, here itself." Kavya exclaims.

"The weather is already very off today. The winds are blowing very fast. You may get the form before it rains." Tanya advises her.

"Yeah, you're right. I will be very quick. Please hold my place."

She walks fast dodging the raindrops to the main building and fills up her application there. Then returns to her class. On the way back a SUV drove passed her at a high speed towards the cricket field. 

She sighs " woah that was a narrow squeak."

"Done with application." Tanya asks.

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