Enveloped By Darkness

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(last weekend)

Vansh POV:

I was working on my code when I received his call. "Hey pal, are you doing anything tonight? Let's catch up later at party. " Rishabh texted me the location.

There were bright strobe lights all around. The place was super busy, you couldn't move without bumping into someone. It was loud, we had to lean over and speak up to hear each other, but it wasn't deafening loud. Bass was so strong that could feel it on the chest. Music wasn't my type.

"Guys meet him, Kartik Ahuja. He's staying at our hotel. Our Fathers are very close friends you know. His family owns real estate business in Mumbai. " Rishab introduces his guest.

"Kartik Meet my friends."

"Hi! I'm Dushyant. "

"Hello!" he extends his hand for a firm handshake.

"Dushyant's family is the most influential in our city. They have a lot of political power."

"Meet him the most talented among us, Vansh. He's a freelancer."

"Glad to meet you!"

"Well, I have something to tell you guys. I'm taking over my family business." Rishabh surprises each one of us.

"That's a great one. Congratulations my Yaar." we hug him tight.

"I envy you. You're just graduate and your family handover the entire business to you. Look at my family. They demand me to get engage to inherit the property." Dushaynt says pathetically.

" So, what's the problem? Get engaged." I ask.

"No wayyy. It will snatch my freedom and autonomy."

"Then what exactly do you want, property or autonomy?" Rishabh asked.

And then this goes on for a while...."Guys seriously, we're talking about such boring stuffs when we have much more interesting things around us." Kartik interrupts him.

"I mean we all are young. Let's just enjoy when we've time. Let's have some drinks."

Everyone laughs out. I like to keep drinks simple at the clubs. Whiskey coke or rum and coke. Vodka Cranberry. I don't usually drink though and stay sober. All were chatting, telling jokes. I took a sip of my beer. Kartik gets along well with all of us. But soon their conversation was shifted towards girls.

"Guys, Guys ... I can have any girl I want" Rishabh boasted "after all girls run after money and I'm the heir of richest family in the city."

"Yeah, right!" I scoffed.

"Jealous? Am I?" Rishabh nudged Dushyant and he rolled his eyes in response.

"No man, he's feeling down because he hasn't had a chic for a while." I gave Rishabh a mocking smile.

"What kind of girls are you interested in?" Kartik asks me.

"Well, none. I mean I've not given it a thought. For now, I'm focused on my plans."

"He's boring since long. He's a workaholic man. He was the crush of our college. He even stole my girl." Rishabh blabbers about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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