back to the manor

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By the time I go back to the manor they'd already realized that the twins had been freed and they looked everywhere to find me but could not find me and that's how they realized I was the one that freed twins so I teleported back into my room and start at the table waiting for them. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back and I screamed screamed I have never screamed before not even when I got crucioed I felt it dragged into my lower back and I felt on my blood leaving my body that's another I was gonna try as I fell onto my knees screen even more than I heard the pop of someone aperating I knew it could be Voldemort or anyone but I was just hoping and begging that it was one of the Weasley's or even a ministry worker I had the footsteps someone whispered "CRUCIO" and whoever was pulling that dagger down my back fell to the ground but that didn't stop them they still continued to scratch it out my ankles it was horrible and then I felt all the Whip marks on my back that had not been healed I felt been burned again and then I was out cold then I woke up and as I looked around I realized I was on the Weasley's couch I was cold but warm at the same time I felt someone's arms around me I didn't know who it was but however it was, was keeping me safe. I look down at the hands holding me to see three rings that I knew from Ronald Weasley the food themed rings one chicken wing one bowl of potatoes and one pizza all carved by wood but painted. He was holding me to his chest and I felt warm.
"She's awake.." whispered a voice behind me . Arthur .

"Hello... Who's there" I knew who it was but I had to act like I didn't.

"It's just us dear" answered Molly.

"I-i it hurts " I stuttered

"Where" she asked concerned

"My back" I answered, that was only half truth because it actually hurt everywhere but I just needed to give her a specific area.

"We haven't had a chance to look at it yet dear we will we are taking you to st mangos later on even mad eye was too scared to explain he said it was gruesome and he's seen the worst of everything" she answered.

"Oh no I must be getting blood on him!" I whisper yelled

"Yes there was a lot of blood but we couldn't see anything since, mad eye put a jacket over you" she added

"Also I don't think Ron would appreciate you getting up it took him two hours just to convince us to let him lay there with you" Arthur added

"And I never really got a chance to say thank you, but thank you for saving the twins we definitely wouldn't have been able to pull it off and they probably would have died and we will be forever grateful" Arthur sheepishly thanked me

I'm sorry guys this one's really short I feel very very very sick and it took a lot of work just to get two stop scrolling on tiktok and write this so I'm really sorry it's only half as many words that I was supposed to write but I'm really sorry and I hope you have a very nice day 🌺😜

585 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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