Chapter eighteen: god is found within him

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The 3 were brought back inside to their room. There already waiting for them was Lilith, curling in a blanket. "Lilith!" Ophelia hugged her on the ground. "Hey guys." Lilith smiled. "Did they hurt you?" Will asked. "A lot, but for a reason." the blonde girl sat up. "What happened?" Colton asked, crossing his arms. Lilith death glared him. Even at a tense time like this she was still fishy about him. "Turns out the leg that was stabbed was infected by the blade. They told me that they would have to cut it off." Lilith explained. "So they just cut your leg off?" Ophelia questioned. "They gave me a prosthetic leg." Lilith uncovered her leg to show a steel leg. "'re here, and I'm glad about that." Oph smiled gently.

A speaker began to make noise. "The queen is in the building. Keep calm, for we can execute you." A woman disclosed. "The..queen?" Colton asked nervously. The air in the room was quickly replaced with silence. It was easy to hear outside the room. The shallow halls echoed with footsteps. They got louder, and louder, and..

Knock knock

The door creaked open. On the other side was Scarlet and a taller tan woman. "SCARLET!" Lilith ran to hug her but then changed her mind with a fist bump. Remembering how Scarlet felt about hugs. Also how her herself felt about hugs.

Remembering being slapped back to the ground by her own mom. "Momma, that hurt." She would rub the side of her face. "Don't hug me, you're covered in dirt." Her mom would scoff. She didn't talk back. "Get yourself ready. Your Nana's pickin' ya up in a couple of minutes. You're staying over there for the weekend. Momma's gotta get ya a new daddy." Her mom would say after smoking from her cigarette. "Okay Momma." Lilith's 6 year old self would then walk to her room and just throw a new shirt on. She knew her grandma would help her with the rest.

Scooting closer and closer to the TV. The third most important thing to her younger self. First was Nana, then her crossbow. "Don't get so close Lily, I wanna watch too." Nana would snicker. "Sorry Nana." She scooted back sheepishly. Her grandmother would stroke her hair for comfort.

"Lilith!" Scarlet yelled. Lilith snapped out of all her thoughts. "Oh what? Yeah!" She tried to act normal. "I asked what happened to your leg idiot." Scarlet laughed. "Oh! It got infected or something. Long story." The blonde shrugged. "So they never gave you back your vest?" Scarlet questioned. "They said it would get me sick."

"What about you? What's up with your life since we have been kidnapped?" She sat down with Ophelia. "That Emmanuel kid that we were supposed to findâ€" we're going to murder him." Scarlet confessed. Everyone's jaw dropped. "Let me explain." The queen jumped in. "He will dictate that world thinking he is the ruler. He will sacrifice babies because supposedly to these people, he is god."

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