Can't let go

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(I'm changing italics to thoughts. It is easier for everybody to understand and I've only done one flashback so I'll say flashback start instead)

Y/N was supposed to be on Miz TV, again to promote the match next week in Toronto something Y/N was thoroughly displeased with.

The last time he was there he ended up setting up a series of events that would turn a strain on his rotator cuff into a minor tear. Y/N would rather shoot himself than be on Miz TV tonight but apparently, 'that wasn't allowed.'

When it was time for Y/N to go on Miz TV he begrudgingly made his way down to the ring following the same flux as usual even if there was less enthusiasm as he was forced to sit down and talk with an idiot.

When Y/N sat down, he set the tone for the interview with Miz by starting off "First things first, do that English accent I'm going to sock you in the mouth again."

"Understood." Miz noticed that Y/N was almost like a different person than the last interview. He chops it down to the building frustration and says "I see you got a lot of pent-up frustration, I want you to take all that frustration on Edge next week. But I want you to know that this is an open, judgment-free zone for you to speak freely."

Y/N wasn't here to speak freely he said what he had to say face to face with Edge last week "Do you actually have any questions?"

Miz answers "We all have plenty of questions. But let me start by telling you I'm on your side. I respect you because it takes real bravery to stand up to someone like Edge the man who who has been the cause of your problems the last couple of months. But now that his back and wants to deal with Judgment Day.

The question on everyone's mind is where do you stand?"

Y/N goes to speak but gets cut off by Miz "Are you going to help the Judgement Day to take down Edge or are you going to hash it out in the ring so that you can work together to take down the Judgment Day?

If I was you I would work with the Judgement Day."

Y/N coughed clearing his throat Miz thought they were alike and made Y/N feel sick. "I want to make one thing really clear. I am absolutely nothing like you Miz and you're not me because I actually stand for something."

Miz points at him and then at himself "Actually we're a lot alike we've both know what it's like to be Intercontinental Champion. We both know what it's like to be United States Champion but to still be driven, to get better each and every week just so you can keep the thing you value most only for it to be taken away from you by the same person who took from you.

And finally, to my last point, I believe that we're exactly alike because next week you're going to the Miz move. Stab everyone in the back and work with the Judgment Day to take down Edge because you and them are in the small few who didn't want Edge to return."

Miz hit the nail on the head Y/N thought. He was going to be done with the Judgment Day till Edge decided to return and thrust him back into the middle of a battle of whom he hated more.

Miz finishes his point "Because in your mind Edge made his bed now his time to lie it in next week. Next week you're not looking to fight it out, you want to make Edge hurt for what he did. Maybe you're not like Superman you pretend to be.

You know what? You truly are the Batman of WWE. Then I guess that makes Drew Mcyintre the Superman of WWE. Speaking of which how did it feel to get shown up in your own backyard?"

Y/N tried not to smirk. The Batman of the WWE was a nickname he wasn't expecting to hear.

Y/N says blankly "Are you sure this is an interview because you seem happy to speculate about if, buts, and maybes?" Miz goes to respond but Y/N sasses "I'm not finished and last time I checked I'm the only one from the UK to win at Clash of the Castle and I'm the only one holding a title. So explain to me how I was upstaged?"

Miz leans in and says "I was asking about Edge's return."

Y/N gaze narrowed hidden beneath sunglasses. Why would Y/N want to talk about someone he was going to beat? Y/N goes to make a snide remark about Y/N upstaging him next week in Edge's fabled story but Rey Mysterio comes out from the back making Y/N roll his eyes annoyed.

"Ese. Y/N. United States Champion. We didn't know you were vengeful like that, homes. We didn't know you could hold a grudge. I thought you returned favors. When Riddle had your back months ago you had his back against Rollins. When Edge saved you at Clash of the Castle I thought you owed him one. Turns out we were wrong.

"Hey, US champ Y/N and Massive Miz were having a conversation."

"Shut up Miz." Y/N turns his focus back to the ramp "I don't know if, in your old age, you are suffering a bit of memory loss. So I'll remind you it's a tactic called playing possum. A trick your boy used to use. I was against Finn Balor, a guy I used to tag with. He was in my head the entire match. The only thing he wouldn't expect, was for me to play possum. I did what I had to to retain my title. I didn't need his help months ago, I don't need his help now."

Rey says "I'm going to say this nicely Y/N. Get over it. Sure he cost you the title but then he got sidelined and you moved on. You became the United States Champion. But because he came back you dragged yourself back into the past. So stop living in the past just because he's back and deal with the people that are making both all our lives hell."

Miz says "Oh save it."

"Shut up Miz." Y/N turns his attention back to Mysterio's "You want me to get over it?"

Y/N answers his own question "I can't get over it because I'm here on Monday Nights because of him! If he didn't interfere in my business I would still be on Smackdown retaining my IC title. But no, here I am having to deal with hypocrites like you two. Why can't you two deal with the Judgement Day with Edge?"

Rey says "The actions of a hypocrite. No, you didn't do what you were supposed to do, Y/N. You should work with Edge to end your problems."

"How dare y-?"

"Shut up Miz." Y/N was getting angrier as the time passed it's like they just expected him to forgive Edge. He tried to forgive what he did but he couldn't. His hatred for Edge over ruled his gratefulness for the save at Clash at the Castle. "Do you just forget what he put me through? What he put Liv through? What he put AJ through? He doesn't have to earn that trust back. Nah?"

"There is a time and a place for it and next week in Toronto is not the time or place. You should talk it out instead of fighting because Judgment Day is going to pick you both apart. So wise up because Edge is here and he's trying to make it right."

"Oh. Make it right. Are you kidding with me that?"

Miz was right but it wasn't his place to speak "Shut up Miz." The crowd started to chant "Shut up Miz" aswell making Y/N try really hard not to break into a smirk. 

He diverted his attention back to the person who was the reason for his sour mood "Just like they tried to pick me apart three weeks ago but I'm still standing. The same night they tried to pick you and your son apart but who saved you then? It wasn't your boy I had to do it. It was up to me to save you from getting your career ended and I had to fight them alone multiple times and I've done it. I won."

Rey says "Exactly, Y/N we are watching you. Everybody in the back is watching you. Everybody around the world is watching you. You've been hailed as the next big thing for months now since you first won a title and everybody is glad that the future is even brighter. Because we know as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Y/N L/N is always going to do what is right and we respect you for it."

What's right?  What's right for him? Or what's right for everybody else?

Miz interrupts Y/N's thoughts as he puts his hand up in the air "Do you know what this means?"

"Shut up Miz." Y/N turns socking Miz on the jaw. Y/N turned back to face Rey "I think the time for talking is up. Get your arse in the ring."

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