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When I noticed the lines of code appearing on the screens, I returned to my computers to look at them. I watched my computers log everything while I held my breath. Of course, they couldn't log everything, but still, they managed to get most of the things before Arika pulled the plug.

This was still something, and something was always better than nothing. I chewed on my bottom lip nervously as I watched my computer log as much as possible. Hunter sat beside me, silent and watching, while Mateo lingered behind us. His eyes were on the screen as well.

When my computer was done logging as much as it had managed to find, I got to work instantly, scanning the code to see what Arika had been up to so far.

I was surprised that Arika hadn't touched much of the system. However, she had tried to open the sensitive files repeatedly and failed each time. She must've figured out that I had stored half the keys in these servers, which was why she attempted to access them.

"She has been trying to access the keys of those sensitive files," I told them, all our eyes glued to the screen.

"Did you manage to get anything regarding where she might be?" Mateo asked. I continued to chew on my lip nervously as I continued to scroll through the lines of code. There was a lot, and it'd take me some time to figure out. I needed to figure it out before Arika could be alerted and take my servers somewhere else... or even worse— she does something to them.

No, I can't let that happen.

"Not yet, but I'm looking," I answered.

"I'm sending it all to our team and will have them look through this as well. We need to be quick," Hunter said, grabbing the second keyboard, and I nodded silently. All of us were thinking about the same thing.

"I'll be with them, looking at it. Let us know immediately if anything happens," Hunter said before leaving abruptly. This was one of the things about Hunter. When he was playful, he went all the way to play with me, and whenever he was working, he was intensely focused, and nothing could ever distract him.

Mateo lingered in the library while going through the code with me. I enjoyed his presence beside me while I worked, but he had to leave my side to attend to pack matters. This left me alone with my computers again. Not that I minded being alone with my computers. I enjoyed being with my computers and cooking up new stuff, but with how Arika had been keeping me on my toes, things were making me more anxious.

While Hunter reviewed the logs with the cyber team, I used my time to make malware software for my system in case Arika tried to pull something like this again. The malware would instantly freeze the system when Arika tried to link my remaining servers with the stolen ones. Also, the malware would instantly change all the passwords and keys and lock her out permanently, so she wouldn't be able to fuck around anymore. I wanted to be prepared for her this time, and there was no fucking way I was going to let her slip.

However, a couple more days passed, and she didn't do anything. I tried to reach out to the servers, but I got nothing. This made me anxious. I wondered if she did something to my serves. If she physically destroyed them, then I'd be heartbroken, but it'd fuel my blood thirst for Arika. I mentally plotted all the things I was going to do to her once she was caught. I'd make her beg for her life. We had a lot of old unfinished business together that I'd gladly take care of.

After Hunter had gone through the code with the cyber team, they had managed to get a location, but it wasn't exact. It was the name of a city up North, almost bordering Rikkard's territory. A city named Kersas.

I had never had a reason ever to go there, and it was always cold there— even more reasons for me not to go there, but there was a possibility that Arika could be there, which made me want to go there as soon as possible. If I could teleport there, I'd be already in Kersas, combing through the city, looking for that stupid bitch.

The fact that she was close to Rikkard's Snow Court and the Arctic made me even more nervous. I couldn't help but wonder what she could be doing there with my servers. The chances of her living there were slim, not that I had heard much about her after she ran away from the orphanage. Everyone there had thought her to be dead. But whether she lived in Kersas or not, I didn't have a good feeling about her hosting my servers there.

She was planning more than just messing around under my name. No. Arika was a girl who loved to be grand. She was an ambitious bitch, and so was I, but she had this madness to her that always made me uneasy. The orphan nurses said that it was because our mother dropped Arika when she was a baby. I always believed it was something she was born with. It must've something to do with her biological father. Our mother was crazy enough, but she wasn't so far gone.

"We need to go there as soon as possible," I told the brothers as soon as we learned about Kersas.

"I have my doubts about Kersas," Mateo said. "This could very well be something to throw us off,"

"But what if she's already there?" I asked, so close to panicking. I wasn't like this before, but things had changed with me after the explosion. It was like I could afford to express myself even more rather than suppress everything and put up a cold front. The brothers allowed me to be vulnerable because they always made me feel like they had my back and that I was always protected.

"We can send some of our men to look for her," Hunter suggested, but I shook my head.

"Arika might get alerted and move if we do that," I countered, and Mateo nodded pensively. His eyes were unfocused as he thought deeply.

"We need to take a chance and go there. We need to be quick. She can't know that we are there looking for her," I said.

"But what if she isn't there?" Hunter asked. I could tell that he was trying to plan out other options.

"If she's not there, we wouldn't have any other option but to look somewhere. But I doubt that. If you found Kersas in one of the logs of the service connection, then I don't think that's something to throw us off. You can't mess with the logs. They are always accurate," I explained. Mateo nodded, but Hunter still seemed reluctant about going to Kersas.

"We can't just go there and start looking for her randomly. Kersas is a big city. We need some source," Hunter said, and I nodded.

"Is she a rogue wolf?" Mateo asked.

"No, that's the problem. She's human," I sighed deeply. "She has never been part of any pack, and I scoured through the internet and didn't find anything about her anywhere else either," I said.

"Well then, we'll figure out something on our way there, but I think we must go there before it's too late," Mateo said, and Hunter nodded. So it was. We started preparing for another trip, but it'd be far north— the northernmost palace I'd ever be, and hopefully, I'd find Arika there. 


Read the COMPLETE book on Patreon and the daily updates for the sequel — A PET FOR THE DRAGONS. Also available on Patreon – Her Alpha Mates alt story, bonus scenes and much more. The link is in my bio.

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