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I traced Arika's footsteps to the way she was taking me. When she wasn't paying attention to me, I glanced back over my shoulder again to see if my mates were following me. However, I couldn't make out much in the snow.

The snow started to fall again while strong winds blew from the direction of the frozen sea. Even though I was well insulated with the thick fox fur jacket and two more layers of thick sweaters underneath it, I was still shivering.

On the other hand, Arika seemed unaffected by the cold despite wearing fewer clothes. I followed her through the maze of containers, fully alert, with my hand on the gun just in case she tried to pull a trick on me.

"How did you get here?" I had to ask her because it was an important question bugging me for a while. How the fuck did she manage to transport those heavy servers in this snow? While on our way to the port, we didn't see any tracks of another vehicle that might have headed this way.

Or maybe the heavy snow might've covered up the tracks. Still, it was baffling to me.

"You'll see," Arika responded, walking without a stop. I followed her but maintained a safe distance between us.

"You better be leading me to my servers," I told her.

"I have them. I'm assuring you. I've tried my best to take good care of them. I know how much leverage they grant me over you," Arika spoke.

"Why?" I still had to ask. This was something that had been bugging me for the whole night. No, actually, it had been bugging me ever since I found out that she was the one who stole my servers and impersonated me. "Why do this? We went our ways. Wait, are you mad at me for killing your casual fuck?" I asked.

"Nah, as you said, Salicus was just a casual fuck who paid well for the cruise and my services. I wouldn't put so much effort for him, though," Arika said. "I have my reasons,"

"What are those?" I pressed. We took a few turns around a couple more containers. I tried to remember where she was taking me, but I wouldn't have to worry too much about it. I had my footsteps in the snow. I wondered if my mates were following them.

"To start with, it was boredom," she replied.

"Bitch really?" I snapped.

"You're the bitch here," She turned around abruptly and snapped back at me. I jumped back, my finger on the trigger, examining her stance for any sign of threat. "Literally, you are a bitch. How does it feel like to be a mutt?" She asked, giving me a judgmental look. It triggered something inside me— a primary memory so ingrained that I still remembered how it made me feel even after forgetting it.

It made me feel dirty, unacceptable, less than anything and almost like a bug everyone wanted to squish. A very vague memory flashed in my head. I was barely a child and couldn't remember anything, but this particular memory had stuck with me. It was of my mother treating me differently after figuring out that I wasn't like her— that I was a werewolf. She used to treat me very differently than Arika, as if I had a disease that needed to be contained.

It always baffled me to think about it. My mother fucked a werewolf, and she ended up giving birth to one. Why did it surprise her that much?

I didn't know much about my biological father apart from the fact that he was a werewolf and sold drugs—our mother's taste in men needed to be lauded. Arika's biological father was a criminal of sorts, too. So yeah, no wonder why she turned out to be like this.

"Do you bark when you phase?" Her condescending question snapped me back to the present, making my wolf growl.

"No, but I can tear you into pieces in the blink. Would you like a demonstration?" I offered. Arika smiled at me wickedly, but something dangerous lingered in her eyes.

"Oh, I'd love to see you turn into an actual bitch," She said, "But we must keep going. Your servers are waiting for us," With that, she turned around and started walking again.

"Was it only boredom that led you to do this?" I continued to ask.

"Well, curiosity, too. I wanted to know if you've become as fucked up as me," She replied, and for once, I heard some real emotion in her voice. It was the pain that both of us bore— the pain that our mother had gifted us as soon as she brought us into this world.

Up until now, I'd been seeing her as a purely evil bitch who wanted to see me fall at any cost, but somehow, her answer humanised her a bit. She was as broken as me but in different ways.

"You know, Arika, it's not our fault we ended up like this. We can change... well, I'm trying to now," I said. Well, I was trying to change after finding out my mates. I needed to change to be with them in harmony. I had already lost an arm for not changing soon enough.

"Oh really? Tell me, how is it that you are trying to change?" Arika asked. We took a turn and reached the end of the maze of containers. Surprisingly, I saw a small ship moored in the distance. It didn't look abandoned, though, and was big enough to carry two containers. I wondered if she had come here on that ship.

"Tell me, how do you try not to resent all the normal people around you and how easy their life seems to be? Tell me, how you don't just want to burn everything down because we both know that's how it will satisfy us?" She demanded. I could hear all the suppressed anger surfacing in her voice.

"Well, I tried to burn down things. It ended up burning me in return, so I know it's not worth it," I told her. She gave me a long, hard look before turning around and rounding the last container until we reached the other side.

"Is that your ship?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, that's my baby," She said. "I call her Princella. She's cute, but she can fire torpedoes. It was a pricey update, but it was totally worth it,"

"Wow," Was all I could say as I glanced at the ship. It looked pretty unassuming. "So, can I see my servers now—" I stopped as I turned the corner of the last container. Arika was already inside it, waiting for me.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw my servers. I wanted to go and hug them instantly with joy, but all the explosives stacked around my servers froze me in my place.

At the top of my servers was a massive screen with a timer counting down already.

"Now, either give me the keys, or we're gonna see fireworks in the snow," Arika smiled wickedly, sounding more excited about the fireworks than the keys.


MUAHAHAH! There's going to be some fireworks!

In case you're curious about her, Arika has her own book called A Pet for the Dragons, and it's even more steamy. You all should check it out! I've already posted 20 chapters here.

Read the COMPLETE book on Patreon, along with the exclusive bonus scenes and an alternative version of this story.

Also on Patreon: the daily updates for the sequel — A PET FOR THE DRAGONS. Also available on Patreon – Her Alpha Mates alt story, bonus scenes and much more. The link is in my bio.

Thanks for reading <3 

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