When We Got Kidnapped: Prologue

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Hello, there! I'm hoping to make this book a successful one, and keep on going till I get more readers!

This chapter is dedicated to EmilyTheReader for her AWESOME book 'Tame' which happens to be my #1 Wattpad book favourite! :D


I kick another pebble on the ground, hands in my pockets of my jacket, strolling around the streets.

I sigh.

Nothing good happens at home. Here is where I get to relax in the fresh air and let out my stress. Every night at mid-night, of course when mom is asleep, I sneak downstairs and out the door to wander around the streets. I once got caught, and my mom made me listen to a full one-hour speech on how wandering around the streets at night is dangerous and you can get mugged and what not.

Of course, I don't believe it'll happen to me now, or anytime sooner. I have good fighting skills, and sure as hell can run as fast as the wind. I'm the top fastest runner in my whole school. I go to the Amethyst High School, by the way. I don't have a lot of friends there, only a few. And though I would like a few more friends, it's okay I guess. 

I look around me. Nothing new here. Big trees, boring old buildings and apartments, closed stores, a bar, and--. Wait, a bar?? I stop. I've never seen this bar before. Maybe it's new here. Should I go and check it out?

I look at my silver watch and check the time. 2:00 am. 

"Hmm", I wonder out loud.

"Well, a peek wouldn't hurt", I say as I begin walking to the bar. It wasn't long that I started hearing the big and loud speakers BOOMing and bursting my poor ears as I walked in. Colorful lights everywhere, loud music, smell of alcohol, people dancing around madly and everyone going crazy. Nope, never been in a place like this mad-house before.

I take a seat on a bar-stool and order a glass of whiskey.

Once I got it, I held it up in my hands and think, 'My first time drinking alcohol'. I smirk and drink the whole thing up. I suddenly felt an urge to have another go. The glass clinked as I put it on the bar table and ordered, "Another glass, please".

I take it and drink it up, too. And another glass... and another one... It wasn't long after I realize I drank at least 10 glasses. My mind was going blank, and all of a sudden I started feeling dizzy. I shook my head, trying to clear up my blurred sight. It didn't work. I stood up, thinking I might fall anytime. I try and check the time on my watch. Couldn't even see the time now! I looked around me and found a blondie bimbo drinking some glasses of shots. I went to her and pretty much slurred, "Eiiiii bloondee, wazzz zaa tiiime, ehhh?".

"Urmm, it's 3:35 am", she replied back, not too much drunk to lose her mind completely as me.

I didn't thank back and just went out the bar, trying to watch out and not bump into anything, though I failed a few times. "Oof!", I fall on the ground this time. It was a stupid pole.

"Ughh", I groan. I feel awfully weary right now. I had to get up. Or else who knows what my mom will do to me this time. I tried hard to get up, but I just felt weaker and gave up then. I lied on my back on the ground... 

"Oi! Ge....er! ....w... er..hear.. e??!", I heard some disturbing voices coming from the distant. I heard them coming closer, listening to the footsteps. I was sure that by now, I was drifting off to a very heavy sleep...



I wince at the pain on my arm. Huh? Where am I? I blink my eyes rapidly trying to make my sight more clear. As the sight became clearer I noticed the color grey everywhere. I shook my head to be more awake now. Huh? I'm in a van? I look at my arms which are hurting. I notice they are tied with ropes tightly, and my mouth covered with ductape. 

"Mggoo", I try to speak. Nothing seems to make sense. Why am I in a van? More importantly, why am I tied and just what happened last night?

"Guhh..", I hear a voice. My eyes widen as I notice two more guys in front of me. One lying down facing the ground and the other sitting upright. Both of them are still unconscious. They're in the same condition as me... 

"Mghoo!", I try to talk as I try to crawl with my elbows to them. Making weird noises as I try to speak didn't work. My hands tied, legs tied, mouth covered with duct tape, no other choices left, are there? I move my hand back and hit both of their heads with mine with a nice, loud, "BOP!"

"GAH!", I hear one yell.

"OWW!", the other one screams in pain. Well, it's not my fault my head is so hard.

"BVVGHFTD?!!!?!", The one with the brown hair tries to speak as his eyes widen.

"GVUTT! TAPFFF! OPFF!", The one with the black hair tried to speak now.

"VUTT??", I ask, completely unsure what he's trying to say.

"TAPPFF! OPPFFF!!", he says motioning to his hands tied with rope and his mouth covered with duct tape.

"OOO! TAPFF! OPPFF!", understanding what he said. TAPPFF= Tape. OPPFF= Rope.

I sit there silently. There was an awkward silence with 3 of us looking at each other. I think about how I can get there ones off, and how to take MINE off, too.

Ideaa! 'This Milly is intelligent!', I think as I try and get more closer to them with my knees. I turn my back to them and move my head back to look at the brown-hair's arms. He gets what I'm trying to do and faces his back to me too, as his hands were obviously tied behind his back. I fumble with my fingers and try to untie the huge knot in the rope tied on his arms.

I sigh as it opens and get to opening the knot on his legs. After I did I open his duct tape which earned me a LOUD scream. I wince and just get to open the other guy's ropes and then to the tape on his mouth. He just groans.

"Thanks a lot", both of them say at the same time. They have almost the same voice, except the black hair's got a bit more husky voice. I wonder if they're siblings? 

"PBBFTT VCCKBVMM", I try to speak, realizing I was still tied with ropes and mouth still covered with tape.

"Oh. here let me help you", the black-haired guy says in a really sweet tone, as he opens the tape off my mouth lightly and unties the rope. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, the opening of the tape, I mean.

I sigh heavily. "Thanks, uhh, can I ask your name? I'm Milly, by the way".

"I'm A---", the black haired guy gets cut off.

"I'm Ron. This is my brother Alex", the brown-haired guy says pointing at the black-hair-- err, Alex.

"Ah, well, hey there. Do you know why the hell we're here? In a van? Tied with ropes?", I ask, hoping they know.

"Oh, well... Umm.. Stating the situation here, I guess we're kidnapped", he says.



Hey, guys! I know it's short, but since it's the prologue I decided to keep it short. :) Oh and did you guys like it? I don't know, really, since I've read so many awesome books. Please comment!  3 votes till next chapter! :]

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