[Chapter 1] Kidnapped By Three

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YO Chickaaas n' Dudes! Hope you like reading this. ;)

Dedicated to YouAreAnEpicFail for being thee GREATEST friend everrr! ;D


Life is so great. It's so fun. Like it is now. As blissful as having--- Okay, I'm keeping it PG... for now. Well you get my point. I just loovee life.

Note the sarcasm. Please.

"Soo... when the hell are we getting out of this thing again?", Ron asked, bored. Which all of us were, actually.

"I'm soooo Sherlock Homes that I'll know the answer to your question", I spoke as I rolled my eyes.

All of us were tired, bored, irritated, laying down, staring at nothing but grey. I swear my mom's crying hysterically right now.

Milly Anne Taylors, you are so busted.

I pushed myself up and stood, leaving a huff. Both of their eyes trailed on me, as I hit my head, hard.

"OWW!! OW OW OW!!", I winced and cried in pain.

"Well, that was entertaining", Ron smirked.

"Yeah, realllyyyy funny, Ron", I rubbed my head as I tried to stand up, though bending my knees, trying hard not to hit my head again. I smiled at my achievement... and it only lasted for a while when my legs wobbled as the van hit the bumpy roads. I wonder how the 'so-called-kidnappers' haven't heard us yet. This earned me a fit of laughter from Ron, while Alex just smiled.

"S-s-o, s-s-tatue o-of Libert-ty", Ron tried speaking while trying to stop laughing, hands on stomach.

I rolled my eyes mentally.

"W-what d-do you have i-in mind?", he continued, finally stopping his laughter.

"Well, particularly none.. But I may come up with a plan", I say as I smirk.

Both of them raised their eyebrows at me.

"Come on, learn to trust me", I sigh.

I stand on my knees now, looking around the van. Not much space, but there's a window which could actually fit a person.

Oh wait.

I face-palmed myself.

1) How do you get off a van, even through a window, which is driving off in fast speed?

2) How do you even brake the steel RAILS on the window, when you have nothing but your own clothes?

Geez. I can be so blonde sometimes... even though I'm a brunette?

I slump down, looking disappointed.

Ron wore an amused face, grinning like an idiot.

I narrow my slits, pouting and crossing my arms on my chest, blushing like a tomato.

"Well, well, finally realized huh", he muttered, sighing.

"There's no way out", Alex, FINALLY, spoke.

No shit, Sherlock, my brain said. Now you say, eh? I shook my head mentally.

"When the fuck will they get us out?", I asked, clearly annoyed and weary.

"Let's wait and see", Ron muttered as he yawned and went to sleep, along with the rest of us, too.


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