Chapter 34: The Beginning After the End_Part 3 Legacy

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~Asher POV~

It all happened in the blink of an eye, the purple dragon clawed Mark, his body instantly separated in two, as blood smeared on the sand.

"KO", said Queen Sharon.

"No fucking way", I say in shock as the army ran straight towards us.

I then screamed at the top of my lungs as my magic power radiated throughout the battlefield.  

"My king, we can't allow the demons to take over", said Stella as tears flow down my cheeks.

Mark then rose up as if nothing had happened.

"Demons? Stop!", commanded Sharon as her eyes widen.

"Wasn't he dead a minute ago?", said Lydia in shock.

"This is..... necromancy, bring them to the castle and summon Fortuna at once!", said Sharon in shock.


We waited in the queens quarters as entered with a man by her side, how is a man even here? This is supposed to be an all woman island. 

"He bears a splitting resemblance to Finn Aslan", said the man as he studied me. 

"This is Elliot Fortuna, my son", said Sharon.

"How is that possible, this is supposed to be an all woman island isn't it?", asked Stella.

"Our deity Athena sent him to us, he's as well as my daughter Lydia are a part of an ancient ritual called Genesis, it's an ancient ritual I perform to get pregnant", explained Sharon.

"Right, now what exactly is going on here and who is Finn Aslan?", I ask.

"My son Elliot has the ability of precognition, it allows him to see into the future", said Sharon.  

"This boy has future sight", said Mark in shock. 

"But first I'll teach you a lesson King Asher, I was testing you when Lydia summoned that dragon, you didn't think it through, you knew when you entered this island, you knew that your magic would be greatly decreased by roughly 80%, yet you sent Mark to take care of the dragon, completely forgetting  he was powerless, you need to think things more clearly", said Sharon as she scolded me. 

She was right, I wasn't thinking clearly.

"Now, tell them your prophecy Elliot", said Sharon.

"I foresee many things as told to me by mother Athena, they come like dreams, when I was 5, a prophecy came to me, a man's voice saying, when the King with necromancy comes, help him., for this is the start of the beginning of the end", said Elliot.

"The Beginning of the end?", I ask. 

"I saw the destruction of demons, angels, humans and dragons, and a boy with the Dominators Touch standing at the peak, when that time comes, you need to kill him, you need to kill Finn Aslan", said Elliot. 

"Finn Aslan? Judging by that name, that is an ancestor of mine?", I ask. 

"You possess Dominators Touch right?", asked Sharon.

"Yes I do", I say to her.

"That power is one of the best in the word, but it comes with a price, for its not a power, Dominators Touch is a curse", said Sharon. 

"A curse? How do you know that?", asked Stella.

"We possess knowledge, granted to us by Athena, I read about the curse in her library, that curse eats away at you every time you use it, after the overuse of it, you will explode and destroy everything in your path, the blast of this will destroy everything in it's wake, that's about 90% of the world's population, if you can accept that fate then I will tell you how to save the future", said Elliot. 

"Is that the only option! Me destroying the entire world!!", I say in shock.

"Out of countless scenarios I've seen, this is the only one we've won", said Elliot as he gulped.

"This is way too much information right now", I say as I gulp. 

"And unfortunately we don't have much time", said Sharon.

"The fate of the worlds' survival is literally in your hands Asher", said Elliot. 

"Maybe this would help your decision, the blast that kills the world's population, will wipe us out too, the northern, western, eastern and southern continent will all be wiped out, like I said only 10% of humanity will remain", said Sharon.

"What's the point of saving people if 90% of them has to die, including you all!", I say enraged. 

"The point is we need you to go into overdrive, the blast inside of you will also kill the angels, demons and the dragons", said Elliot.

"Sounds like you plan on using Asher as a sacrificial lamb", said Stella. 

"We will use him as we please, the survival of the human race is depending on it", said Sharon.

"I really have to die?", I say.

"Everything has its due time Asher, let's give Asher and Elliot the room, there's some things for them to discuss", said Sharon as everyone exit the room.


"I will tell you the plan, its a bit complicated so keep up, to make sure your bloodline continues, we're going to use the Genesis ritual to get you a son, my sister Lydia will carry the child full term, then we're going to push you to your limit, you're going to eliminate the queen of the angels and then the king of the demons, you're going to slay dragons, you're going to seal the last remaining demons and angels then explode and destroy the world, you got all that?", he says to me as he smiled.

"This seems to farfetche....", I say as he pressed his hand on  my forehead.

I then began seeing images of the future, all the things he said..... it was true, what the fuck?!

"And as you can see from the future, there's a way to come back, the link you need to come back to the land of the living, the battle we're about to face is a long one, the 300 year war", says Elliot as I gulped hard.

Lydia then walked in as a woman appeared out of thin air.

"This is my spirit Aion, she controls time and space, you'll be training with her in her time bubble, you need to master the Dominators Touch", said Lydia.

That's where it began, operation save humanity began!


To be continued in Chapter 35: 

The Beginning After the End_Part 4

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