Chapter 35: The Beginning After the End_Part 4 Revival

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Lydia then walked in as a woman appeared out of thin air.

"This is my spirit Aion, she controls time and space, you'll be training with her in her time bubble, you need to master the Dominators Touch", said Lydia.

That's where it began, operation save humanity began!


~Asher POV~

"Aion, the spirit of space and time, I read about her", I say in shock.

"You have a lot left to learn King Asher", said Sharon as she patted my back like a toddler learning to walk for the first time. 

It was amazing how vast the world is and how little knowledge I had of it, they learned all of this from Athena's Library huh? Athena the Goddess of Knowledge, I'd like to meet her one day. 

We trained inside Aion's time bubble for what felt like 6 years, when we went back only about 6 hours had passed, as Aion explained, time magic doesn't freeze time but slows it down, only Chronos the actual God of Time can freeze time, Aion, her disciple can only slow it down, 6 years in the time bubbles equal to 6 hours in the real world, 1 year equals one hour. 

Aion, Lydia, and Elliot taught me a lot about the Dominator's Touch, angels, demons, and dragons, and all the knowledge I was missing was filled in by them both. 

The realm above us is called the Angelic realm where the angels reside, they are called Celestials, and after they die they are sent to the spirit world, where they gain a spirit form, and they can be contracted to humans, this way the Celestials gain can live on, the realm in the middle is where we reside, the humans and dragons, we call it earth but in ancient time, it was once called the Gaia realm, the real underneath is is called Purgatory, as Elliot was explaining, that's where the souls of humans go to be judged, when they enter Purgatory, they meet an angel, a demon and a human, these three decide whether the soul goes to the Heavanic realm or the Hellic realm, those two realms are a mystery to humans and when humans. The last realm is called the Demon Realm, where the demons reside. 


"You're not having dinner?", asked Elliot as he joined me. 

"This was way too much information to process", I say shivering as my hands couldn't stop shaking.

"No one could understand how you feel right now, this plan of ours is pure madness but it's the only way to ensure the survival of humans", said Elliot as he held my hand. 

The shivering then stopped, his hand was so warm.

"On behalf of all humans, now and forever, we thank you for your sacrifice Asher, because of you, the humans will live on,  you'll be an unsung hero", he said as he stared into my eyes. 

We then shared a kiss.

"The shivering has stopped", said Elliot as he smiled.

His pure smile warmed me up inside.


"Asher, I have a request", said Queen Sharon.

"What is it?", I asked.

"My people and I are all going to perish but I at least want my children to at least live on, please take Elliot and Lydia with you", said Sharon with tears in her eyes. 

"I accept", I say to her as she smiles.

We enjoyed that last night together, for I would never see the people of the western continent's smiling faces again, for the next time we were to meet would be on the battlefield where Osirius would raise them from the dead to fight us. 

The mission began and the 300-year war began, the southern continent versus the northern continent began. 


~Back to the current time~

~Lithius POV~

"I was a part of the casualty of war", said Lithius. 

The person who betrayed us was her, Athena the Goddess of Knowledge betrayed us and let Asher enter the celestial realm, most of us celestials possessed Light magic, and Asher could easily touch any one of us, and gain our light power with his Dominator's Touch ability, that's how he came in unnoticed, after a few days we all started dying, falling one by one to Asher, he knew the angels wouldn't help the humans defeat the demons so he came to slaughter us in the name of power, for every angel he slaughtered, the dominator's touch power would grow, my mother and I were the queen's guards, my mother was the goddess of light Thea, Asher slayed her and then slayed me next, we stood absolutely no chance against the dominators touch. We were turned into spirits and sent to the spirit realm, waiting to be summoned one day but no human who was strong enough to summon us came along, Finn then came along, I sensed potential in Finn, the same potential Asher had, I used the last remaining energy I had and sealed myself inside him. 

"That was until yesterday", said Jasper.

"Yes, when Asher used Finn's body, its messed up that hundreds of years later a summoner came along and summoned my mother's spirit, Thea, what's even more messed up is that the person who killed her was the one who summoned her", I say. 

"This is a new history we're getting here, the past told to us from the book of Athena, it was wrong?", I say in shock.

"Athena purposely told you a fake history", I say.

"That leaves me wondering, what did Athena hope to gain from all this", I question.

"I don't know but after the slaughter of the angels, Athena went into hiding", said Lithius. 

~Jasper POV~

"Her part in all of this is a total mystery but I gather a few things from speaking to the both of us", I say.

"What have you gathered?", asked Ezekiel. 

"Asher is continuing the 300-year plan to save humans, Elliot Fortuna predicted everything that has happened so far and everything has gone exactly as planned, Lithius has a grudge against Asher and the humans for killing his peers, and wants revenge, Finn is stuck in the middle of all this. If Finn gives his body to Asher, humankind might be saved, if Finn gives his body to Lithius, humankind might go extinct, there's only one correct answer here", I say as Lithius raises an eyebrow.

Asher and Lithius then started fading.

"What's going on?", asked Ezekiel as we stared on.

"Finn is waking up", said Lithius as they vanished. 


To be Continued in Chapter 36 - Terra Faminarum

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