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"Dear diary. I never wanted to move to this new house. I miss the air and birds singing like in my old house. That's not fair. Me and Rachel never wanted to move, but my father says it's for the best. Well.. Im kinda scared of the halls  it has this weird vibe to it. Rachel says she hears scratching in her room. Mom says its a rat, but Rachel says it can't be a rat because she doesn't hear it moving around just scratching."

Dinner's ready. Says my mother and me, and my sister gathers to the table to eat.

"It's really good mom." Says my sister while munching on the roast crispy chicken. " Don't eat with your mouth open." Says my mother.

After dinner I go to my room and turn on my tv. I love cooking shows I always wanted to cook a good meal for my family.
"Get two for the price for one! Call us right now! +44 1632 960878 Call right now and get the perfect deal folks!" I turn off the tv. This voice.. this ad.. It hurts my head. I hate those ads.

I look out of my window and look at the plain field. It's raining. We live on a field. A big field. The closest market is 40 minutes away.

Someone knocks on my doors. It's mother.

"Quit looking out the windows. Get to bed and get some sleep."
I hate when mother does that. Quit it quit that blah blah.
"Yes mother. May I read a book before sleep?"I asked. Sure mother wouldn't be so happy about it.
"Abbigail I said sleep wich means?"
I stayed silent. If I answered those questions that means talking back to mother.

I lay down on the hard mattress I couldn't get any sleep on.
Mother blew my candle out and left.

Of course I didn't go to sleep. I took my lamp and went to get my book "Lolita". I creeped out the door holding my lamp and tip toed to the library. There i searched for my book. "Damn it.." I realized I left it in the hall in a box. A moving box..
I went back quietly and opened the box "VOGUE Clothes for the young who set the fashion" That is not my box. I move to another box and open it. "Lolita Volume One" That's more like it. I took the book and went upstairs.
"Why aren't you asleep young lady!" Asks my mother very angrily.
"Im sorry mother I just.. Went to the washroom."
"Abbigail im not stupid." She took my book out of my hand and throws it across the hall into the ill-lit darkness. The dark seeping into my skin. I hate the dark.
"If i catch you up at the night again like this you're sleeping in the cellar. Did I make my self clear?" She said sharply.
"Yes mother."
I went back to my room. Looked out of my window and saw something behind a tree. I didn't mind. Better that monster than my mother.
I hate mother.

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