Favorite Sissy

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Hey diary It's Miss Rachel again.
I like this house it's nice my room is powdery pink with green pattern on the walls. But I always hear something scratching in the walls. But i have a nice chandelier and books. I don't read books I'd rather watch tv. There's a new channel called "Model this Samantha" It's about a girl that makes pretty dresses and then she invites popular people on her show and she even had Marilyn Monroe on her show. I love Marilyn she makes me happy! I want to move to America sometime. Anyways the house looks nice really nice. The washroom is scary though. It has this weird smell and I think there's mold in the tub. Yuck. But I love the big mirror that's in the bathroom. I moved all my new makeup! I love makeup  my bright red lipstick and my pink eyeshadow. I also have some nail polish red, pink, white and violet ones. Our house has a lift but it doesn't work. It has 2 stories well 3 with the attic. Or 4 with the basement. We were told not to go to the basement. Mommy says we need to stay away from the attic too. But the kitchen is really big and it's connected with the living room. It's a really big house and there's even a tv in my sisters room and the living room of course. Kinda jealous. Also there's a mailman his name is Paul. Paul Smith. That's a shame he has such a common name. I don't think Rachel Astor is common. I love my name it sounds rich.

"Rachel come down I made french toast" Says my sister.
My sister cooking sucks. It sucks really much but her french toast is really good. I love her french toast.
"Coming!" I yelled. Oh no.. I can't yell in the house. Mommy is gonna be angry.

I came down and sit at the long wooden table and pour maple sirup on my toast.
"Abby this is very good" I said.
"What did I tell you child. Don't speak while your eating." Says mom.
"Yea sorry." I said.

I go to my room after I've eaten my food and put on white tights, black mary jane shoes, soft pink puffy dress and a bow in my hair. I love dresses.

Me and my sister went to school we always need to get up 1 hour early because we live in the middle of nowhere. Why. Just why. But I don't really mind.

"Abby what do you think about our new house?" I asked.
"Hate it" She replies.
"But why do you hate it?"
"I have an ugly room. It's so small. I'm gonna have claustrophobia from that. The big window. I always have a feeling someone is watching me and the mattress? Oh and mother is more and more of a bitch." She says annoyedly.
"Oh don't say that sis. Don't talk about mom like that. That's not right. "
"Yea because she's nice to you isn't she."
"Maybe it's because im behave." I replied quietly.
She just looks at me and then looks out of the school bus.
"Im sorry Abby."
"Just don't talk to me Rachel"

The intire ride Abby didn't talk to me. I just read a magazine about fashion. I think I made Abby more angry.

We arrived at our new school.
All girls school. Christianity school.
The schedule was a .. It was something

9AM: Maths
10AM: English
11AM: Bible reading
12:00-12:30: Break
12:30-1PM: Sports
2PM: History
3PM: LAJ? What does that mean?
4PM: Geography
4:40PM school ends

Over and over again.
A loop. But at least 7 hours of learning. That's nice. Not like our old school from 7 to 4. But I miss it kinda. I look at Abby as she is analyzing the schedule and see her sigh.

"I might live here as its school literally the whole day." Abbigail says.
"Oh look only Friday is different it says.. praying and bible reading the whole day? That's actually nice."
I said.
"That's pain." Says Abbigail.
"Abby common it's not that bad."
"NOT THAT BAD? That's really bad Rachel. I hate this."

A group of girl pass us looking on us.
"They are pretty!"
"They're judging us."
"Abby. Stop. Why do you always see the negative in things."
"There is always negative in things." She says.

The belm rings and we went to maths.

"Settle down girls. We have 2 new students that are joining us today. Abbigail Astor and Rachel Astor. They are sisters. As you can tell. So Rachel tell us something about you." Says the math teacher.

"Hi everyone. Im Rachel and I love makeup and styling clothes. I want to visit America someday and I love going out." I said proud of myself. Some girls smiled at me some not. I didn't care.

"Nice. Now you Abbigail."

"Uh. So.. We moved from East Britian.. And.. I like reading. Uh. Yea. I like cooking and I hate tomatoes."

The class is silent. The silence is loud.

"Okay.. Good. Girls sit somewhere." The teacher says.

We sit and the day goes on. At lunch we meet a group of five girls.

Alizabeth she is kinda tall and has blonde straight hair and these beautiful ocean blue eyes.
Nicole she is short and has blonde straight hair and myosotis eyes.
Sophine has curly light brown hair and soft sky blue eyes.
Alexandria has short brown hair and has dark hazel eyes.
Sarah has long dark brown hair and green like moss eyes.
They're all so beautiful.

"Hey wanna sit with us?" Says Sophine.
"Sure" I say.

We have a nice time. I find out that Alizabeth is kinda like me she likes romance too. Nicole is into electonics. Sophine like crocheting.
Alexandria likes singing she's also really good at school. And Sarah likes drawing. We all have something in common. We like listening to music.

After a long day. I finally get home with Abby and I went to the bathroom to get a long soapy shower. I love this new school.

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