Chapter 1: Too Late

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It was kind of a foggy day outside. Soft, puffy gray clouds of fog and mist drifted across the land as far as the eye could see. The sun was no where in sight.

Homer Simpson trudged through the damp, cool forest of pine trees, grumbling and muttering to words of nothing to himself as he did. He couldn't believe he had to walk all the way from Alaska to Springfield. But he had to, of course.

You see, Homer, being Homer, had dumped a silo of pig poo into the Springfield lake because he wanted a free donut, causing Springfield to be deemed hazardous by the government and sealed away in a dome by the EPA. When the citizens of Springfield found out who had done it, they were furious, and tried to kill Homer, but he and his family had narrowly escaped to Alaska. But when Marge found out the government planned to blow up Springfield, and turn it into a "New Grand Canyon", she insisted on going back and saving the others. But Homer refused.

So now here he was, dragging himself through the wilderness, trying to follow his family who had gone on to save the others without him. His feet were sore, and his head was throbbing. The scratches and bite marks from when he was attacked by sled dogs and smashed by a wrecking ball still stung, but the cool mist soothed it a little.

Despite his grumblings, Homer did indeed miss his family. Terribly, actually. Losing them had made Homer realize how he had treated them all so terribly...He missed spending time with Marge, and listening to Lisa talk about her special interests, and cradling little Maggie in his arms. And Bart.

Thinking about Bart formed a pit of sorrow and regret in his stomach. How terribly he had treated the poor boy, humiliating and hurting him the way he did...Homer shuddered. He would never admit it, but the things he did to Bart never really made him feel good at all. It just made him feel worse than he already does on the inside.

He wanted to apologize, for everything he had done. Not just to Bart, but to the whole family. Well, he would soon. I'm almost there, aren't I? Will they accept my apology?

He knew for a fact his family was in Springfield, because earlier, he had watched as they had been loaded into a large van. He followed them and had tried to get them out with the help of a crane boom and a wrecking ball. And failed.

A little chattering sound echoed through the wood, and Homer watched as a little squirrel scuttled across the path he was walking on and scattered its way up a pine tree. Homer sighed.

"How long is this gonna take?" He wailed.

As he complained, he felt the sole of his shoe get hitched under a tree root, causing him to lose his balance.


Homer flailed his arms around, desperately trying to catch himself, but it was no use, and he landed face first into the dusty path. He forced himself up with his hands, coughing up the dust that had gone up his nose and down his throat. He then lifted his hand and rubbed his sore nose.


A trampling sound began to fill Homer's ears. It got louder, and louder, and louder, until Homer was suddenly shoved aside by a white-tailed deer buck galloping through the forest.


Homer nearly landed on his side before managing to catch himself with his hands. He glared at the large buck as it gracefully bounded away from him.

"Hey! Watch where you're going next time, pal!"

The buck soon vanished, and in its place, was something that made Homer gasp with surprise and relief. Springfield. The fog has cleared, and in its wake, sunshine was beaming down on the glass walls of the dome, making it glimmer brightly. He grinned from ear to ear at the sight, pushing himself to his feet.

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