00 | trick or treat

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~5:00pm 31 october 2012

"This is amazing!" I said as we walked down the street.

"I know right? We've never gotten this much candy before!It's gotta weight at least like,100 pounds." Said Cesar as he tossed the candy filled pillow case across his shoulder like a potato sack.

"I don't think you know how weights work mano." Oscar laughed.

"Whatever man. Hey, they probably thought our costumes were scary." Cesar tried to reason with Oscar.

My dad laughed at that. What was more likely? That people were scared of three kids trick or treating? Or were they scared of the known gang member that was babysitting them?

Gotta give it to Cesar, tough choice. We stopped in front of my house.

"Papi, can we go home so I can change out of my costume before we go to their house? The costume is kinda itchy." I pulled my dad's hand. He looked wary at me.

"Sí, claro." He turned to the two boys. "Oscar, get Cesar home, we'll be over soon."

Oscar nodded.

"Wait. Take my sack too, but don't you dare touch it Cesar!"

Cesar couldn't wait as he snatched it from my hands and quickened his pace with Oscar behind him.

"I mean it!" I yelled as they got further away.

"Come on." Dad said as he opened the door. I quickly made my way upstairs to change but not before taking a look in my parents room. I guess mom wasn't home yet. I quickly changed out of my witch dress and pulled on a shirt and some pants and took a zip up hoodie with me, just in case, but before I could make my way down the stairs I heard my parents voices. Half yelling, half whispering. Well, dad was whispering, mom couldn't seem to care about her voice.

"Are you insane?" I faintly heard my dad. "It's your daughter's birthday and you're out here getting high?"

"Why do you care? You're one to talk, you're never home!" She yelled at him.

"Of course I'm not here because I don't want her to see you like this! While you're busy snorting coke up your nose and being unconscious I'm out there raising her!"

"Out there with the Santos? Spending time with bitches?"

"Don't try to put it on me. They're more like family to her than you ever were."

"Oh really?"

"Sí, that's the difference. While you were leaving for weeks at a time, out there doing god knows what, they were here with her. They love and care for her way more than you do."

My mom was now crying.

"But I love her too." She tried to reason with him and a long pause took place.

He laughed. "Too bad you love drugs more."

"You fucking asshole!" And with that I heard the front door slam behind my mom as she left.

I made my way down with light steps. I saw dad sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Papa?" I sat next to him.

"Oh mija." He pulled me into a hug, one hand caressing my head as it rested on his chest. He wanted to open his mouth to speak but I interrupted.

"It's fine." He pulled back and looked at me expecting my eyes to be filled with tears but they weren't. Mom wasn't worth my tears. Our tears. He nodded and got up as we made our way outside. He closed the door and I held his hand as we made our way to the Diaz household.

As we entered I noticed that Oscar wasn't here, but Antonio was. And he was sitting on the couch eating out of my candy bag. Dad made his way into the kitchen with the other Santos and I made my way to the boys. I rummaged thru the bag and I raised my hands.

"Where are my snicker bars?" I asked the two, who acted really weird, avoiding my stare.

"We kinda ate them all." Said Cesar softly as he raised his hand in surrender and Antonio smacked him lightly on the head.

I scoffed at them and headed towards the backyard door.

"Assholes" I muttered under my breath. As I left I saw Oscar sitting on the porch stairs. He lifted his head and smiled.

"Hey" He said while gesturing for me to take a seat next to him. I took the offer. He turned so he faced me.

"Something wrong?" He asked. He sensed something was wrong. He always knew when something happened back home, more specifically when it has to do with my mother. He didn't have a great mom either, something we had in common.

"Cesar and Antonio ate all the snicker bars." He knew that wasn't what was on my mind but accepted it nonetheless. He hummed as he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a snickers bar. He pushed his hand forward.

"I saved one for you." He said as he avoided eye contact. "I know they're your favorite. Couldn't dissapoint the birthday girl" He raised his eyes. I smiled as I took the chocolate.

"Thank you." He smiled before he whispered something along the lines of 'de nada'.

"You ate one yet?"

He shrugged. "No, but it's fine."

I shook my head. I unwraped it and broke it in two, handing the other half to him. We ate our chocolate in silence, watching the sun set.

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Muévete / Oscar 'Spooky' DiazWhere stories live. Discover now