the darkness consumes (1 of 3)

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This book is going to be turned into a comic or animated series but for now if you can read this and review it would help a lot

As I sit in the grass, I'm able to see the leaves blow in the wind. I can feel the cold air. I can see squirrels walking up and down this one tree.
If I go deep into the woods, there's a little river with a small waterfall.
I ran my feet through the grass peacefully, but it wasn't always like this.

This is the story of how and why I was locked away, and how I escaped.

in 1980

It all started with an asteroid that was a part of a crystal moon from another galaxy. The core was sent to the Earth humans (they called people humans) because it had been heard across the universe that they had become poisoned by evil, and the other humans from the other planets wanted to help.

On Earth, the crystal core crashed into a mansion on Sparrow Island. The impact caused parts of the core to shatter into dust. On the other side of the street lived a little girl and her three sisters. They all breathed in the multicolored dust. No one thought that much of it. Well, that's life, they said, but a fairy human named Coral Reef was from another planet.

She lived at the very start of the fork in the road in the little neighborhood. She took the core away from the humans and studied it to try to figure out how to send it back. She soon discovered that this dust was able to be manipulated, and she was able to attract a certain color.

Of dust using people human inventions. She used a magnet to remove all of the blue crystal dust from her arm. Her arm immediately went back in place; there was no tear. She was confused by this, but later she found she could only give fairy gifts through the stick-like shape she had formed with the magnet and felt embarrassed to go back to her planet without fixing it.

July 12th, 2002

The little girl had grown up, got married, had a daughter who was 4 years old, and had a baby boy born just now in the hospital.

But something was wrong. The nurse noticed something poking up against his chest from the inside.

and the doctors took him to an x-ray, assuming that a part of his rib cage was broken or deformed.

just outside the room. A 12-year-old boy and his parents couldn't find a babysitter, so he and his sister were sitting Just outside the hall

He brought his gaming console, and the power was almost depleted, so he pulled a charger out of his backpack and plugged it into the wall just next to him, then set down in a chair and inserted a game. Then his sister said to keep the sound down in an annoyed tone. His face then went bright with excitement because the game had powered on.

He was 12 and playing a game called City Smash. The object of the game was to smash buildings. With the game's characters hands, earn points.

But he and the baby boy are about to have a strange connection.

Inside the X-ray room, the baby boy named Riley was sleeping on the X-ray table. As he was getting his X-rays done, his chest began to glow a light blue.

And the 12-year-old boy's game stopped working.

His console was fried and began emitting smoke.

You see, inside Riley were tiny little polyps that had grown inside of him because the little dust that was broken off of the asteroid was the beginning stages of these polyps, and the x-rays triggered their defense system, and they tried to keep themselves safe by absorbing something that Riley would be able to use, and they found the city smash and downloaded it into themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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