courtney x drama brothers NOT CLICKBAIT

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im joking this is obviously satire and based off of that one fic i read where the main character gets sold to one direction

courtney sighed half-heartedly as she slammed a perfect petite fist on her cacophonous alarm clock. groaning in frustration, she checked the almost-broken clock and saw that her first class would start in half an hour.
she gasped, throwing on some of the clothes littered around her messy room, which turned out to be an oversized blue nirvana shirt and some tan baggy cargo pants. courtney stared at her messy yet fluffy shoulder-length brown locks, wondering what to do with it before deciding to tie it in a simple messy bun.
she didn't have the patience for this today.
courtney dashed downstairs, snatching a piece of fresh toast with jam on it laid out on the counter and shoving it in her mouth while lacing up her trusty red converse.
before she could grab her backpack and run to school, she saw her mother standing in front of the doorway with a look of disapproval on her face, making courtney gulp in terror.
'courtney, i've got something to tell you.' her mother's heavy yet soothing tone announced.
courtney stopped, unsure of what to do.
'yes mom?' she asked tentatively.
her mother sighed, before continuing.
'you know how we've been struggling, now your father divorced me?'
courtney nodded, they hadn't been doing very well. they lived in a tiny apartment and barely had enough money to get by, which is why she had to take on 5 part-time jobs by the age of 19. not ideal.
'how do i tell you this...' courtney's mother shook her head. 'i had to sell you. i'm really sorry courtney.'
courtney's heart thudded loudly in her chest as her caramel orbs glistened with tears, threatening to spill out.
'y-you sold me?' courtney choked out. 'to who?'
suddenly four figures appeared in the doorway. one of them had a very chiselled face, perfect for mewing. another was skinny and slender, and he seemed to have curly ginger locks. there was one with an unusually big forehead, and the last one was very short and looked 12.
'courtney, meet your new owners... the drama brothers.'

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