29. CASE 143

812 34 59

You got me losing patience

걷잡을 수 없는 emotion

You were in your nightgown, feeling refreshed and not dusty from the sandy hell that is the Savanaclaw dorms, you caused spells by the Ramshackle gate as to not awaken the entities and people who were sleeping soundly. You were mainly practicing your offensive attacks because defense is for sissies.

You swung your arm like a baseball player would but with only one hand, the the hand holding your pen, and a powerful gust of win punched the atmosphere around you, but seeing you throw your jacket at Yuu today, you had gotten an idea. Even if it takes more than one person to accomplish it. You fastened the jacket around your waist.

Looking down at your feet, you inhaled before summoning stronger wind, and you grinned as you were pushed off the ground, the wind wasn't too stable but you tried to channel your energy into the magic, charging you to go higher, maybe as tall as the Ramshackle building itself. The air against your face was so cooling and exhilarating, the feeling was surreal when you looked around you, your hair flicked around like crazy but you were having a fun time in the air. (If you hate heights then get over it idk)

But in amidst your sight seeing from high above ground, you spotted a boy with tall dark horns and a bright green armband on his arm, seeing what the hell this creep was doing here, you weakened the wind magic, allowing you to fall. But you equipped your jacket as a makeshift parachute.

You landed wobbly on the ground, right behind the gate, startling the man at your gate/door at such an ungodly hour, "Hm? Well isn't this a surprise, you're Child of the Devil" the man spoke, although you were still pretty irked by the nickname, you noticed he seemed quite clueless yet so aware of you.

"You live in this run down building? I thought it was abandoned for years?" The horned guy wondered out loud, you rolled your eyes when he brought up your raggedy, run down place, "I don't remember asking for your take on my living conditions.." you mumbled but made it loud enough for the male hear, but he paid no mind to it.

If only some other furry, hellhound guy acted like him, your eyebrows straightened into a line at the thought of Leona but you waved him to the back of your head. "I would come here for whenever I want to be alone" the guy mumbled, looking past you and at the building behind you.

"Boohoo, hey, who even the fuck are you?" You asked, pointing your finger at him, he seemed a bit surprised at the question, 'Jeez, get your head out of your ass dude' you mentally rolled your eyes. "Oh, you're not familiar with me at all?" The raven haired male asked, you shook your head with pursed lips and a pretty annoyed look.

"Am I supposed to?" You leaned against the gate, leaning towards the horned male.

"I suppose not, but this is exceedingly rare, but no matter," he shrugged it off, making you roll your eyes at how old timey he was talk about, it reminded you of the radio demon.

"What should I call you then?" He asked, making you perk up and look to the side, "Velvette works" you curtly responded, not catching the slight action of narrowing his eyes. You seemed to be such an anomaly, he had heard of you, but it was just some pass over chatter with Lilia. And the short guy was right, you were like an intricate painting of symbols.

So many labels, names, decoration and trinkets that color into a large picture, but when you squint your eyes and look at the individual symbols drawn, you realize that there is so much more. Despite your hellish look of white eyes and red scleras, bold hair color and vulgar language, he couldn't deny that none of it really seemed to define you for you. Looks can be deceiving, as they say.

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