Chapter 4

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Cody's P.O.V  

    I opened the door and Vivian was standing on my front porch in the snow. "Vivian! What are you doing out here? It's freezing!" I exclaim before I hug her to bring her inside. She doesn't say anything and just cries. I bring her to my room and we sit on the bed. "What happened?" I ask.

      She doesn't say anything she just looks at the floor. She tucks her feet under her and I can tell she's thinking. Her cute, blond hair is all wet from the snow and her grey eyes just look drained. Her makeup is all runny and she looks like a mess. But, she radiated. I don't know what to do and she's my best friend's girlfriend, so I keep my distance. Why is she here and not at Tyler's anyways?

     "Me and Tyler broke up." She stated answering my thoughts. "He's been cheating on me with my friend, Grace." Who is Grace? I look up and she just looks exhausted.

     "I'm sorry Viv." I try to comfort her. I put my hand on her shoulder and she nods.

     "I'm sorry I came here. I didn't know where else to go and I don't want to be alone right now." She says on the verge of tears.

    "Never apologize for coming to me for anything." I say dead serious.  I've known this girl for most of my life and we've been in the same friend group since like grade school. She's come to most of my parties and sure is a hell of a good time. I remember one time we got really drunk and put bubble bath in the pool and she kept yelling "The bubbles! The bubbles!" 

    "Vivian you're one of my best friends. Okay remember that.  You can seriously come to me for anything." I tell her.

    "Thank you so much." She smiles at me weakly and puts her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and we talk about simple stuff. She takes out a cigarette and lights it. She offers me one and I take it as she lights it for me.

     "You know..." She starts after taking a drag. "I think that the world is a fucked up place. Where freaks come out at night and voices swarm the air saying 'die.' And what really sucks about it is we can't do anything. We can't stop the rapists and the murderers. We can't do anything about those awful voices. We can't do anything about this dreadful place where people kill and people cry and children die. We can only live." She looks at the ashes that fall from her cigarette to the ash tray.

    "But this place," I gesture towards everywhere, "is the only place where we get a chance. Sure it may suck but we don't have any other chance. Our lifetime is our only chance and that chance gives you many chances. Yes, there are so many disgusting,awful people out there. But you're not one them. I'm not one of them. We're not great or anything but we have our moments. We have our moments to be us and that's enough for me."

      She nods and takes another drag. As she exhales the smoke she concentrates on it. "Let's get out of here." I tell her. She look up at me confused.

       "Where to?" She asks.

      "I don't care.It's Saturday night, lets leave tonight and we'll come back tomorrow. Let's just drive." I say. She smiles a real smile, one I haven't seen in a while.

       "Let's do it."  She says. I gave her a jacket and we got in my car. I turned down the music and we drove.

       I then remembered why Tyler and her broke up. That bastard cheated on her. He doesn't deserve her. He never did. He's an asshole and I know that because he's my best friend. He's slept with like six girls since they've been together, at least from what he's told me. I'm gonna punch him in the face. Can't fucking believe he would even need to cheat on Vivian. She's so cool. She's got a cute figure and her blond hair goes perfect with her grey eyes that sometimes shine green. She's so passionate about music and debate and she's kind of nerdy but not really. She's just really smart. And yet he dragged her down.

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