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Useless anger circles me

a tiger waiting to pounce

running me in circles

without a real cause.

In silence I hold it back,

the imminent explosion

no idea why it’s there

barely holding on.

I beat the dead horse

with past lies and mistakes

unable to escape the truth

I’m not perfect

but that’s not all of it.

I’m not prefect

nor do I care

miming the motions day to day

crying at night.


Not even crying,

I try to care but I  don’t.

Perhaps I complain too much

maybe I lie too often

I might even just smell bad,

then again, who gives a shit.

Yeah, life sucks.

complain while you still can

11/13/12 11;40 pm

Yeah a bit depressing. The main reaosn I write is to get out my feelings, thats how I felt last night. Any ideas for a title? Comment? Please?


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