Chapter 5: Interlude at Lunch

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Chris hung back to talk to me after the interview ended. His managers and his members all were startled, but I smiled warmly. It had been one of those Mondays that I had managed to effuse correctly so that the studio itself didn't kill us both. That it hadn't now showed that perhaps this was supposed to happen, too.

"Hey," he said, voice lowered so that the others couldn't hear. "I think... If this includes them." His eyes darted back toward Han and Lee Know. Fast enough they didn't notice, fast enough that we weren't killed. "Then maybe you should be coming with us after this?"

"Maybe," I said slowly. "But how do we get your managers to agree?"

"We do sometimes invite people to join us." He shrugged and offered a somewhat mischievous smile. "So... Lunch?"

I gave an abrupt laugh. "I'm not sure how I should take that. But sure. I'd love to."

Chris led the way across the small space to the others and spoke in low tones with Jiwoo. I awkwardly shifted from foot to foot. The others were starting to realize what it was Chris was doing. Han was slowly giving me the most hopeful, bashful little smile I thought was reserved for Tiger JK.

"She said yes," Chris said, holding out a hand to me. It was a little more familiar than it ought to have been, drawing glances from the others. But no death. We were alive, gloriously alive, and I felt like maybe we could make it through this day in one piece. "Come on. We're going to eat."

I took his hand, allowing myself to be enclosed within the group. This hadn't happened before, not this close to majority of the others. He let my hand go as the others began to walk toward the green rooms. Han held back, but Felix and Changbin were all smiles.

"We weren't sure if Channie was going to invite you or not," Felix said, turning a frown at the leader. "We didn't get to talk to you at all with the way the interview was set up."

"Oh?" I glanced at Chris. "I didn't realize you wanted to talk to me."

"We don't get to choose who we interview with all the time," Felix said. "So when Hanji was able to get this one, we all read your book. Or had it translated."

I felt the blush color my cheeks at the admission, glancing at Han. "Is... Is he okay?"

"Hannie?" Changbin grinned, tugging the smaller man toward us. "He's shy."

"I can talk, you know," Han said, yet still shrank away from me. "Sorry, about them."

I shook my head. "Thank you for everything."

His eyes widened marginally. "It wasn't just me."

"You saw my video and didn't scroll away," I said, shaking my head again. "You've done more for me than some of my own family."

Han tilted his head, a question on his face. The group entered the green room then. The others peeled off one by one to change into street clothes while Won Ara helped wash makeup off. When I finished cleaning off the pretty makeup, Han sat down on a couch to talk with me more. He was one of the first to return in a pair of plain jeans and a dark red hoodie.

"Don't you have family and friends?" He asked, curious now.

"I have my grandmother," I replied, shrugging.

"What about your parents? Siblings? Friends?"

"My parents died when I was younger." I shrugged. "And I had no siblings."

If Han realized I had glossed over friends, he didn't immediately ask. "Aren't you lonely?"

I gave a short laugh. "Like being lonely in a crowd."

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