Lover Boy | Phoenix Drop High S2

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No One's POV

Y/N was sitting against the wall on his phone minding his own business before someone approached him. He looked up to see Aphmau with a blue-haired werewolf boy

Aphmau: Y/N, I want you to come with me

Y/N: Yeah sure.

Y/N said before standing up

Aphmau: Aren't you gonna ask why I need you to follow me?

Y/N: Nope.

He said with his hands in his pockets

Aphmau: Alright well this is Ein.

She said pointing to the boy who was staring at him

Aphmau: I'm supposed to help introduce him around school. And I would also like you to help with that as well, it'll be easier with two people

Y/N: Alright I'm down.

He then walked over to Ein and outstretched his hand

Y/N: Sup Ein, as you heard I'm Y/N...wait haven't I met you somewhere?

Ein stared at his hand before walking close to Y/N and began to sniff him Y/N looked at him in surprise

Aphmua: Ah! Ein no! You can't just do tha-

Aphmau was caught off by Y/N being to sniff Ein as well, the two boys were now sniffing each other

Aphmau: Y/N!

Aphmau said before pulling on him stopping him from sniffing Ein

Ein: Such a strong scent...

Aphmau: Y/N what are you doing?!

Y/N: What? I was trying to make him feel comfortable, couldn't let it be awkward you know?

Aphmau: Don't play along with stuff like that with him! He's from a different school!  We don't do that here!

Y/N: You don't

Aphmau: I-! *Sigh*  Come on let's just keep walking...

She said walking ahead, Y/N just shrugged at Ein before the two followed them.

Aphmau and Y/N were not leading Ein around and telling him where everything was.

Aphmau: Okay, so over here, we have the Meifwa Club,

Ein: Uh...

Aphmau: Science club, football club,

Ein: Ugh,

Aphmau: Any questions?

Ein: I—

Aphmau: No? Good! There's the music club, the debate club...

Aphmau was not letting Ein get a single word out.

Ein: Are you mad at me because I sniffed you?

Just then Larance ran between Aphmau, Y/N, and Ein attempting to flee from Katelyn and Garroth.

Laurance: Leave me alone!

Garroth: Let Vylad join!

Garroth said knocking over Ein

Katelyn: No, Kacey!

She said chasing after the two

Larounce's Fangirls: AHHH! WE LOVE YOU!!! MY FUTURE HUSBAND!!!

While this was all happening Y/N and Aphmau were continuing to walk and show off the clubs

Aphmau: Magics club, witchcraft club, and, of course, a club you might like, werewolf club. Maybe you should go and... introduce yourself. I mean, I don't wanna approach them, because of... uh, reasons, but you should— Huh? Where'd he go?

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