Werewolf Boy's Name | Phoenix Drop High S2 [Ep.5]

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No One's POV

Y/N was inside his class. His teacher was explaining something on the board but he wasn't listening because he was drifting in and out of sleep. After a while, the bell rang causing the students to start packing up and leaving

Teacher: Alright everyone, you are all dismissed. Make sure to complete questions 1 through 20!

Y/N walked out of the class and began to traverse the halls. When he turned the corner he saw Aphmau talking to a group of werewolves. He began to approach her as the werewolves left, when he got closer he heard an audible sigh.

Aphmau: Aww man, it always scares me when they approach me like that...

Y/N: Alpha!

Aphmau: Wha?!

She quickly turned around to see Y/N standing behind her with a smile

Y/N: Sup

Aphmau: Oh, Y/N it's just you

She said in relief 

Aphmau: Don't startle me like that!

Y/N: My bad, you do look kinda stressed. You ok?

Aphmau: No not really... I don't know if I can handle this kind of pressure being an "Alpha"...

Y/N puts his hand on her shoulder

Y/N: It's alright Aphmau, I know it's pretty weighing right now but we still have a whole year ahead of us and if anyone can handle something like this it's gonna be you. Plus you have me and the rest of your friends to help!

He said with a smile. In return, Aphmau gave him a soft smile as well.

Aphmau: Thanks Y/N, I needed that...

Y/N: No problem Aph, that's what I'm here for

Aphmau: Hey, wanna come with me to the mentor program? I was about to head over there myself

Y/N: Yeah sure, I've got nothing better to do

Aphmau: Great! Come on!

Both Y/N and Aphmau walk together through the halls until they make it to the  cafeteria, they walk around a bit and spot both Travis and Dante walking to two girls who look lost

Girl 1: Are you guys mentors?

Dante: Well, we can be.

Girl 2: We're lost. Do you think you can help us?

Dante: Hm? What? I'm sorry, I'm lost as well.

Girl 1: You are?

Dante: Lost in your eyes. 

He said with a wink and a smirk

Girl 2: Oh! Haha! Hehehe!

She began to blush

Travis: You ladies look tired.

Girl 2: We do?

Travis: From running through my mind.

Girl 1: Aww, you guys are so cute!

Dante: Haha, I know.

Aphmau: Ahem! They might be cute, but they aren't mentors

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