Chapter 2

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In one of the Arc sister room

Elisha was sitting down hugging a ...body pillow of her baby brother thinking...unholy things

"Those Savages always hurt Jaune." Elishia said darkly to herself as she kissed her body pillow of her baby brother Jaune.

"I will have revenge for my brother...I will show those bitches who is the top bitch around here." Elishia said glaring out the window

"Mark my words, my love for him will crush my enemies and make them weep." Elishia said kissing her body pillow as she felt in heat

"Sister we bought one of Jaune abuser Peter Port." Jade said smirking as Violet and Saphron drag a knocked out professor port with his hands tied

"Place him on the bed I'll show him what happens when people hurt our baby brother." Elishia said smirking as the girls nodded and tossed him on the bed with her body pillow of Jaune

"I hope you like whips big boy." Elishia said darkly as her sisters looked at each other smirking as they approach as Saphron used her magic to wake the professor up

"Ah Gah!" Peter exclaimed looking around and realized where he was

"S-Saphron Jade, Violet, Elisha, what is going on here?! This is no way for young girls to act! Untie me at once!" Peter ordered

"How about no?" Elisha said smirking while Scarlet brought in two thick rope and a pair of handcuffs

"The hell is wrong with you Arc girls!?" Peter shouted as Saphron glared at him and slapped him

"You are one of the reasons that our Jaune committed suicide before being born to us! So this is how he felt...betrayed by everyone." Saphron said glaring at him as Jade got on the bed and ripped open Peter shirt exposing his fat stomach and chest

"Yes Saphron I can smell his fear." Jade said smirking as she circled him licking her lips

"How does it feel to be scared?" Violet asked smiling sweetly as the professor growled at them

"Arc girls have gone mad." The professor said as he realized Violet was nearing towards the nightstand as he saw her grab a silver dagger

"This is payback for hurting our brother." Violet said grabbing his hair pulling him back.

"Stop it!" Peter ordered as Elisha slammed him and spoke

"Come now Peter did you think we were going to let you go after all the torment you put our precious baby brother through?" Elishia said grabbing his face forcefully.

"Please stop! I beg you." Peter begged but Elishia responded by punching him

"Well you should have thought about that when you mistreated Jaune!" Elisha shouted at him

"Besides this is good for you! You have to many pounds you need to lose!" Jade said grinning

"And what better way to exercise is to torture someone." Violet said grinning with a creepy look

"Oh I do love my knives." Elishia said kissing the blade and began cutting into his skin making him scream

"Here a cookie." Saphron said shoving a chocolate chip cookie into his mouth

"Mmm!" The professor muffled in his mouth as Violet punched him in the stomach causing him to vomit blood onto the carpet and on his clothes and body.

"Now now ladies we can't have him dying on us yet." Elisha said chuckling

"Damn that hurts." Peter coughed up blood looking down in defeat as they continued to beat and whip him

"Don't worry big boy we will make sure you die by the time we are done with you." Saphron said using her telekinesis magic throwing him across the room. As he laid there trying to get up but Elisha chuckled

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