Chapter 2: Next In Line

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!!TW/CW: Arguing/Fighting, Mentioned Death, Mentioned Drugs!!

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Jimmy got dressed slowly.

Today was the day.

House Blossom meeting, day one, without Scott.

He didn't care much for what he wore, only that his red flower crown was pressed under his Cod Head.

He swam slowly into Cerrano's new room, converted from an unused office. He pressed a gentle kiss into Cerrano's hair. "Love you, kid. I'll be home soon."

Cerrano hummed in his sleep. He water pulled his hair in slow swirls.

Jimmy huffed nervously and set out.

The journey felt longer than usual. His thoughts plagued with how the other rulers might have reacted to the news. He wondered if they'd even cared. He wondered if they were distraught and lost.

When he arrived to the meeting, coming down the short stairs revealed that he was nearly the last ruler to arrive.

To his surprise, Joel and Lizzie were yet to arrive.

Katherine stared at him from her place at the head of the table, a glum look in her eyes.

Fwhip offered him a tentative smile.

Jimmy took his chair beside Fwhip.

Scott's chair, across from him, was decorated in flowers. Not a single sliver of wood showed through. A small golden deer stood on the table in front of it.

Jimmy almost reached for it.

Silence, as loud as a phantom's scream, settled through the room. Everyone could feel the tension.

A thud sounded from the stairwell and Joel's voice rang out. "You wouldn't get it, Lizzie! Just... leave me alone!" He flung the door open. He looked angry.

Lizzie followed him to their seats beside Jimmy. "You got the same letter we all did, Joel. If you would just explain what's got you so confused-"

Joel slammed his hands on the table as he sat. "I can't explain it! I just can't!"

Lizzie sighed, deflating and, for once, slouching into her seat.

Katherine took the brief quiet as her chance to stand. She cleared her throat. Her voice was low as she greeted them. "Hello, every- uhm. Hello, those of you here. I'm sure you all have heard the news."

Everyone nodded, even Joel.

"I want to start by saying: if there's anything you might need in this time of grief, my kingdom will do its best to help. Please don't be afraid to speak up. We are only as strong as our weakest alliance, both physically and mentally."

No one said anything.

"Right. Nothing of importance has happened here as of late. The table is now open. Say what you'd like."

Jimmy studied the grooves of the wood from under his mask. He could feel the way his tail lashed angrily behind him. He made no effort to calm it.

Gem sniffled. She shook her head. "Nothing here."

Pix approved the same for him. So did Sausage and Pearl and Joey.

Shrub stood on her chair when her turn came. "Nothing to report, but... do your people... reincarnate?"

Katherine shook her head. "Not that I know of. None of our species have that ability."
Shrub nodded, then sat.

Fwhip swallowed. "Nothing here, either. Nothing more important than... that..."

Accusing, Denying - Flower Husbands Book 2Where stories live. Discover now