We'll Meet Again

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!!TW/CW: Asphyxiation/Choking, Referenced Suicide!!

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Just a week later, Joel was in Rivendell again. His list of laws was almost finished and revised. Scott, Xornoth, and Sage had finished their long lists a week sooner than calculated and Scott was reading through Joel's just as fast as Joel offered them. Only a few of Joel's re-writes needed fixing.

The pair was sitting across from each other at a table in Scott's recently converted office. His preserved childhood bedroom was an unnecessary room, he'd always thought that.

Scott hummed lowly to himself.

"That's a nice tune," Joel commented. "What's it called?"

Scott shrugged. His tongue peaked through his lips as he dabbed a spot of white ink over a word.

"You're humming it, but it doesn't have a name?"

Scott frowned. "I'm sure it has a name. I just don't know it."

"Does it have lyrics?"

"I couldn't sing them as well as Jimmy could."

"Jimmy... taught you that song?"

"That's what I said."

Joel frowned. When had Scott and Jimmy gotten close? There was something Scott had forgotten to tell him.

"Hey, Scott?" Xornoth nudged open the door.

"Yes?" Scott didn't look up. He kicked Joel under the table. "Concentrate," he hissed.

"Do you know what this is?"

Scott finished scanning the rest of the paper and turned around. "Do I know what-" His breath caught in his throat.

In their hand, Xornoth held a disgustingly wilted flower crown. Half of the petals were missing, but Scott knew it to be his.

Scott blinked and licked his suddenly dry lips. He stood up slowly, like the crown might run from him.

Gingerly, he took it from his brother. "Where did you find this?"

They shrugged. "It was under the dining table. I thought it might have been a gift, but it's too wilted to tell. Asking never hurt anyone." They cleared their throat. "Scott? Are you alright?"

He blinked. A tear slid down his cheek. He cleared his throat. "Uhm, I'm- I'm sorry. I just realised that I haven't seen Jimmy. He- oh, God- He thinks I'm dead." A hand came up to cover his mouth. "E-Everyone thinks I'm dead. Oh, Aeor! They all think I'm dead! And I just let them! I didn't even-"

Joel wrapped his arms around Scott's waist and pressed his cheek into the middle of his back. "Hey, come now, Scott. You were prioritising your people and being a good King. They're okay."

Scott breathed shakily and sniffled. His jaw moved uselessly with unspoken apologies.

"You should go to him. Jimmy means something to you. I don't know exactly what, but he means something. Xornoth and I, we got this. We'll finish up here."

"I couldn't just-"

Xornoth embraced the rulers. "I know I haven't been a good brother for... a very long time, Scott. I got your back this time. We'll finish these last laws and get them sent to the treasury. Go find Jimmy and promise me that when your head and heart have settled, you'll sleep."

Scott nodded slowly. "I need poppies."

Xornoth released them. They nodded. "Go on, then. He's waiting for you."

Accusing, Denying - Flower Husbands Book 2Where stories live. Discover now